--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kickle Cubicle - Game Info Mapper: MMC3 PRG-ROM: 8 x 16KB CHR-ROM: 16 x 8KB NMI Vector: $C190 - 0x1C1A0 Reset Vector: $FFD0 - 0x1FFE0 IRQ Vector: $FFD0 - 0x1FFE0 $8000-$9FFF: Swappable bank $A000-$BFFF: Swappable bank $C000-$DFFF: Fixed bank: 0x1C010-0x1E00F $E000-$FFFF: Fixed bank: 0x1E010-0x2000F PRG-ROM Bank Range --------------------- 00 0x00010-0x0200F 01 0x02010-0x0400F 02 0x04010-0x0600F 03 0x06010-0x0800F 04 0x08010-0x0A00F 05 0x0A010-0x0C00F 06 0x0C010-0x0E00F 07 0x0E010-0x1000F 08 0x10010-0x1200F 09 0x12010-0x1400F 0A 0x14010-0x1600F 0B 0x16010-0x1800F 0C 0x18010-0x1A00F 0D 0x1A010-0x1C00F 0E 0x1C010-0x1E00F 0F 0x1E010-0x2000F --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAM $0600-$06DF (0xE0) - Tile layout of current level. $0700-$07CF (0xD0) - Kickle & enemy positions in current level. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Timers 0x10C00-0x10C7F (0x80) - Level timers (all 10 for 10000 seconds by default). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Map Data 0x103F2: E4 A3 = $A3E4 (0x103F4) 0x103F4-0x10433 (0x40) Garden Land 00 00 7A 00 1C 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 62 3E 25 63 6E 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 3D 00 00 00 00 00 33 00 00 3C 00 00 00 5F 00 00 00 00 77 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 0x10434-0x10473 (0x40) Fruit Land 00 00 60 4C 4A 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 73 00 46 00 00 00 00 05 00 65 00 09 00 00 00 00 0F 00 2D 00 00 00 00 50 00 49 00 31 00 00 00 00 39 00 66 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 0x10474-0x104B3 (0x40) Cake Land 00 47 00 30 00 5A 00 00 00 4E 00 11 00 45 00 00 00 12 00 56 00 0E 00 00 00 00 0B 10 53 00 00 00 00 00 00 0D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 00 0x104B4-0x104F3 (0x40) Toy Land 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7C 00 00 00 00 00 41 00 57 72 64 18 40 5E 00 00 00 00 00 00 4B 5D 2A 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 71 00 00 00 00 00 00 16 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 4D 68 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0x104F4-0x1051B (0x28) Special Game 36 74 2C 15 21 19 43 17 1D 1F 59 51 6D 2B 13 69 29 3F 35 1B 4F 5B 22 55 48 75 7B 67 26 6A 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kickle/Enemy Level Positions 0x12010-0x1210F (0x100) 0x12010-0x1400F - Level bank (pointer range: 0000-1FFF) 0x14010-0x1600F - Level bank (pointer range: 4000-5FFF) 0x16010-0x1800F - Level bank (pointer range: 8000-9FFF) Level - Level Name - Pointer - Enemies - Pointer - Level Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No Level - No Level (?) - 00 81 ($8100) - 0x12100 - D2 5F ($9FD2) - 0x15FE2 Level 01 - Garden Land A - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 02 - Garden Land N - 5E 81 ($815E) - 0x1216E - 02 11 ($9102) - 0x13112 Level 03 - Garden Land E - 7C 81 ($817C) - 0x1218C - 6C 1D ($9D6C) - 0x13D7C Level 04 - Garden Land B - 8C 81 ($818C) - 0x1219C - 59 16 ($9659) - 0x13669 Level 05 - Fruit Land F - AA 81 ($81AA) - 0x121BA - 2F 52 ($922F) - 0x1523F Level 06 - Garden Land I - CC 81 ($81CC) - 0x121DC - A1 4B ($8BA1) - 0x14BB1 Level 07 - Fruit Land D - EE 81 ($81EE) - 0x121FE - 63 4A ($8A63) - 0x14A73 Level 08 - Fruit Land I - F4 81 ($81F4) - 0x12204 - E2 15 ($95E2) - 0x135F2 Level 09 - Fruit Land L - 12 82 ($8212) - 0x12222 - 9B 51 ($919B) - 0x151AB Level 0A - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 0B - Cake Land M - 3C 82 ($823C) - 0x1224C - 13 4E ($8E13) - 0x14E23 Level 0C - Cake Land A - 6A 82 ($826A) - 0x1227A - FC 40 ($80FC) - 0x1410C Level 0D - Cake Land D - 8A 82 ($828A) - 0x1229A - 3E 4C ($8C3E) - 0x14C4E Level 0E - Cake Land K - AE 82 ($82AE) - 0x122BE - 13 19 ($9913) - 0x13923 Level 0F - Fruit Land O - DA 82 ($82DA) - 0x122EA - AF 5C ($9CAF) - 0x15CBF Level 10 - Cake Land E - F8 82 ($82F8) - 0x12308 - CE 16 ($96CE) - 0x136DE Level 11 - Cake Land G - 2E 83 ($832E) - 0x1233E - DB 4C ($8CDB) - 0x14CEB Level 12 - Cake Land N - 4A 83 ($834A) - 0x1235A - 9D 5B ($9B9D) - 0x15BAD Level 13 - Special Game 15 - 74 83 ($8374) - 0x12384 - EB 58 ($98EB) - 0x158FB Level 14 - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 15 - Special Game 04 - 84 83 ($8384) - 0x12394 - AC 4E ($8EAC) - 0x14EBC Level 16 - Toy Land K - AE 83 ($83AE) - 0x123BE - 82 12 ($9282) - 0x13292 Level 17 - Special Game 08 - D8 83 ($83D8) - 0x123E8 - 75 59 ($9975) - 0x15985 Level 18 - Toy Land E - 02 84 ($8402) - 0x12412 - 79 42 ($8279) - 0x14289 Level 19 - Special Game 06 - 32 84 ($8432) - 0x12442 - 90 46 ($8690) - 0x146A0 Level 1A - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 1B - Special Game 20 - 50 84 ($8450) - 0x12460 - DB 4F ($8FDB) - 0x14FEB Level 1C - Garden Land J - 72 84 ($8472) - 0x12482 - 48 57 ($9748) - 0x15758 Level 1D - Special Game 09 - 9A 84 ($849A) - 0x124AA - 82 11 ($9182) - 0x13192 Level 1E - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 1F - Special Game 10 - B8 84 ($84B8) - 0x124C8 - 7B 54 ($947B) - 0x1548B Level 20 - Toy Land J - D6 84 ($84D6) - 0x124E6 - 37 47 ($8737) - 0x14747 Level 21 - Special Game 05 - 04 85 ($8504) - 0x12514 - 20 49 ($8920) - 0x14930 Level 22 - Special Game 23 - 2A 85 ($852A) - 0x1253A - 71 50 ($9071) - 0x15081 Level 23 - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 24 - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 25 - Garden Land H - 48 85 ($8548) - 0x12558 - BB 56 ($96BB) - 0x156CB Level 26 - Special Game 29 - 5C 85 ($855C) - 0x1256C - F7 19 ($99F7) - 0x13A07 Level 27 - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 28 - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 29 - Special Game 17 - 76 85 ($8576) - 0x12586 - E1 43 ($83E1) - 0x143F1 Level 2A - Toy Land P - A4 85 ($85A4) - 0x125B4 - 64 98 ($9864) - 0x17874 Level 2B - Special Game 14 - CA 85 ($85CA) - 0x125DA - FF 59 ($99FF) - 0x15A0F Level 2C - Special Game 03 - E4 85 ($85E4) - 0x125F4 - 7F 13 ($937F) - 0x1338F Level 2D - Fruit Land Q - 20 86 ($8620) - 0x12630 - 85 19 ($9985) - 0x13995 Level 2E - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 2F - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 30 - Cake Land H - 56 86 ($8656) - 0x12666 - D4 57 ($97D4) - 0x157E4 Level 31 - Fruit Land K - 74 86 ($8674) - 0x12684 - 02 4B ($8B02) - 0x14B12 Level 32 - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 33 - Garden Land D - 92 86 ($8692) - 0x126A2 - D7 1D ($9DD7) - 0x13DE7 Level 34 - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 35 - Special Game 19 - A6 86 ($86A6) - 0x126B6 - 60 58 ($9860) - 0x15870 Level 36 - Special Game 01 - C0 86 ($86C0) - 0x126D0 - 42 1E ($9E42) - 0x13E52 Level 37 - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 38 - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 39 - Fruit Land H - DC 86 ($86DC) - 0x126EC - 77 4D ($8D77) - 0x14D87 Level 3A - Cake Land C - FE 86 ($86FE) - 0x1270E - 9F 55 ($959F) - 0x155AF Level 3B - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 3C - Garden Land P - 30 87 ($8730) - 0x12740 - C7 98 ($98C7) - 0x178D7 Level 3D - Garden Land O - 4E 87 ($874E) - 0x1275E - 26 1C ($9C26) - 0x13C36 Level 3E - Garden Land L - 6C 87 ($876C) - 0x1277C - 49 1B ($9B49) - 0x13B59 Level 3F - Special Game 18 - 8A 87 ($878A) - 0x1279A - 82 1F ($9F82) - 0x13F92 Level 40 - Toy Land F - BE 87 ($87BE) - 0x127CE - C2 49 ($89C2) - 0x149D2 Level 41 - Toy Land Q - D8 87 ($87D8) - 0x127E8 - C2 52 ($92C2) - 0x152D2 Level 42 - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 43 - Special Game 07 - F6 87 ($87F6) - 0x12806 - 3E 9B ($9B3E) - 0x17B4E Level 44 - Toy Land N - 20 88 ($8820) - 0x12830 - 02 12 ($9202) - 0x13212 Level 45 - Cake Land J - 4C 88 ($884C) - 0x1285C - 55 53 ($9355) - 0x15365 Level 46 - Fruit Land M - 66 88 ($8866) - 0x12876 - 18 1F ($9F18) - 0x13F28 Level 47 - Cake Land P - 96 88 ($8896) - 0x128A6 - BE 5D ($9DBE) - 0x15DCE Level 48 - Special Game 25 - B4 88 ($88B4) - 0x128C4 - 43 17 ($9743) - 0x13753 Level 49 - Fruit Land P - D6 88 ($88D6) - 0x128E6 - DA 47 ($87DA) - 0x147EA Level 4A - Fruit Land C - EE 88 ($88EE) - 0x128FE - A0 18 ($98A0) - 0x138B0 Level 4B - Toy Land G - 0E 89 ($890E) - 0x1291E - 89 5A ($9A89) - 0x15A99 Level 4C - Fruit Land B - 28 89 ($8928) - 0x12938 - 00 10 ($9000) - 0x13010 Level 4D - Toy Land L - 44 89 ($8944) - 0x12954 - F1 14 ($94F1) - 0x13501 Level 4E - Cake Land O - 6C 89 ($896C) - 0x1297C - B8 17 ($97B8) - 0x137C8 Level 4F - Special Game 21 - 86 89 ($8986) - 0x12996 - 2C 18 ($982C) - 0x1383C Level 50 - Fruit Land G - 96 89 ($8996) - 0x129A6 - 0D 55 ($950D) - 0x1551D Level 51 - Special Game 12 - B2 89 ($89B2) - 0x129C2 - 81 10 ($9081) - 0x13091 Level 52 - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 53 - Cake Land L - D0 89 ($89D0) - 0x129E0 - E8 45 ($85E8) - 0x145F8 Level 54 - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 55 - Special Game 24 - EA 89 ($89EA) - 0x129FA - CA 5E ($9ECA) - 0x15EDA Level 56 - Cake Land F - 14 8A ($8A14) - 0x12A24 - 37 5D ($9D37) - 0x15D47 Level 57 - Toy Land B - 38 8A ($8A38) - 0x12A48 - 7D 48 ($887D) - 0x1488D Level 58 - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 59 - Special Game 11 - 66 8A ($8A66) - 0x12A76 - 4E 5F ($9F4E) - 0x15F5E Level 5A - Cake Land I - 8C 8A ($8A8C) - 0x12A9C - 2D 56 ($962D) - 0x1563D Level 5B - Special Game 22 - C8 8A ($8AC8) - 0x12AD8 - 06 51 ($9106) - 0x15116 Level 5C - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 5D - Toy Land I - DE 8A ($8ADE) - 0x12AEE - C1 41 ($81C1) - 0x141D1 Level 5E - Toy Land H - 06 8B ($8B06) - 0x12B16 - 44 4F ($8F44) - 0x14F54 Level 5F - Garden Land C - 30 8B ($8B30) - 0x12B40 - AD 1E ($9EAD) - 0x13EBD Level 60 - Fruit Land A - 44 8B ($8B44) - 0x12B54 - 26 5C ($9C26) - 0x15C36 Level 61 - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 62 - Garden Land M - 66 8B ($8B66) - 0x12B76 - 00 1D ($9D00) - 0x13D10 Level 63 - Garden Land G - 84 8B ($8B84) - 0x12B94 - D9 1A ($9AD9) - 0x13AE9 Level 64 - Toy Land D - A2 8B ($8BA2) - 0x12BB2 - 77 14 ($9477) - 0x13487 Level 65 - Fruit Land N - C8 8B ($8BC8) - 0x12BD8 - 68 1A ($9A68) - 0x13A78 Level 66 - Fruit Land J - F6 8B ($8BF6) - 0x12C06 - 44 5E ($9E44) - 0x15E54 Level 67 - Special Game 28 - 14 8C ($8C14) - 0x12C24 - 00 98 ($9800) - 0x17810 Level 68 - Toy Land M - 3E 8C ($8C3E) - 0x12C4E - 29 99 ($9929) - 0x17939 Level 69 - Special Game 16 - 5C 8C ($8C5C) - 0x12C6C - 01 13 ($9301) - 0x13311 Level 6A - Special Game 30 - 7A 8C ($8C7A) - 0x12C8A - 2E 43 ($832E) - 0x1433E Level 6B - Cake Land B - 8E 8C ($8C8E) - 0x12C9E - E8 53 ($93E8) - 0x153F8 Level 6C - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 6D - Special Game 13 - CC 8C ($8CCC) - 0x12CDC - 6A 15 ($956A) - 0x1357A Level 6E - Garden Land F - F6 8C ($8CF6) - 0x12D06 - EC 99 ($99EC) - 0x179FC Level 6F - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 70 - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 71 - Toy Land O - 14 8D ($8D14) - 0x12D24 - 93 1C ($9C93) - 0x13CA3 Level 72 - Toy Land C - 36 8D ($8D36) - 0x12D46 - FB 9A ($9AFB) - 0x17B0B Level 73 - Fruit Land E - 56 8D ($8D56) - 0x12D66 - 8B 99 ($998B) - 0x1799B Level 74 - Special Game 02 - 7C 8D ($8D7C) - 0x12D8C - FC 13 ($93FC) - 0x1340C Level 75 - Special Game 26 - A8 8D ($8DA8) - 0x12DB8 - 3E 45 ($853E) - 0x1454E Level 76 - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 77 - Garden Land Q - C6 8D ($8DC6) - 0x12DD6 - 13 5B ($9B13) - 0x15B23 Level 78 - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 79 - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 7A - Garden Land K - F0 8D ($8DF0) - 0x12E00 - B8 1B ($9BB8) - 0x13BC8 Level 7B - Special Game 27 - 0C 8E ($8E0C) - 0x12E1C - 92 44 ($8492) - 0x144A2 Level 7C - Toy Land A - 40 8E ($8E40) - 0x12E50 - 48 9A ($9A48) - 0x17A58 Level 7D - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - A2 9A ($9AA2) - 0x17AB2 Level 7E - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - 31 81 ($8131) - 0x16141 Level 7F - Level 01 Repeat - 4A 81 ($814A) - 0x1215A - 03 04 ($8403) - 0x12413 Notes: In a level's enemy data, even though a Noggles could be defined as #1 in the Noggles group, there can still be a different #1 defined in the ice cubes, in order to differentiate and specify the order of those ice cubes. More specifically, "Noggles" and "Ice cube/Noggles" are grouped and defined individually and separately. If a level has ice cubes when it starts, the proper order of the ice cubes follows up-to-down, and then left-to-right. Typically, the enemies follow this same format. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy Groups Noggles - Changes to an ice cube. Mr. Hoople - Tries to get in the way. Sparky - Runs up to you and explodes. Max - Kicks the ice cubes away. Rocky - Tries to hide as an ice cube. Myrtle - Uses her shell like a drill. Rooker - Bounces your breath back at you. Bonkers - Rolls his beach ball at you. Shades - Tries to freeze you with breath. Equalizer - Fires cannon balls at you constantly. Spiny - The indestructible whirling enemy. Gale - Like Spiny, he's indestructible. If there are multiple individual groups with "02" identifiers, use "03" for one of the groups instead. 0B C0 0A 05 - Noggles group 00 - Noggles identifier 0D 08 0E 0D - Mr. Hoople group 02 - Mr. Hoople identifier 1E 88 0D 11 - Sparky group 02 - Sparky identifier 20 08 0B 03 - Max group 02 - Max identifier 18 08 0C 0B - Rocky group 02 - Rocky identifier 2D 08 13 09 - Myrtle group 02 - Myrtle identifier 1A 08 0F 03 - Rooker group 02 - Rooker identifier 25 88 09 07 - Bonkers group 02 - Bonkers identifier 27 C8 10 01 - Shades group 02 - Shades identifier 2B 08 12 11 - Equalizer group 02 - Equalizer identifier 23 70 0A 11 - Spiny group 02 - Spiny identifier 23 40 0A 11 - Spiny group (follows left wall) 02 - Spiny identifier 46 88 4F 0A - Gale group 02 - Gale identifier --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text 0x0A327 - SCORE 0x0A359 - Good luck, Kickle! 0x0A374 - Kickle, save this kingdom! 0x0A397 - Kickle, help them all out! 0x0A3BA - Kickle, don't give up! 0x0A3D9 - I am beaten, sob, sob. 0x0A406 - CONTINUE 0x0A414 - PASSWORD 0x0A422 - END 0x0C1B9 - KICKLE CUBICLE 0x0C1D2 - SOUND COLLECTION 0x0C1ED - NUMBER 0x0D434 - Now, please enjoy 0x0D454 - a special game! 0x0D71C - Thus peace was restored to 0x0D73C - the Fantasy Kingdom which 0x0D75B - had been covered by darkness, 0x0D77E - and the palaces were once 0x0D79D - again joyful. 0x0D7B0 - Kickle happily married 0x0D7CC - Princess Mira and became the 0x0D7EE - prince of the kingdom. 0x0D80A - And the Fantasy Kingdom was 0x0D82B - filled with happiness and 0x0D84A - dreams forever... 0x0E301 - GUESS AGAIN! 0x0F11D - Prin- 0x0F123 - cess 0x0F128 - Pumpa 0x0F12E - King 0x0F134 - Tois 0x0F139 - Prin- 0x0F13F - cess 0x0F144 - Mira 0x0F149 - Koke 0x0F14E - Piro 0x0F153 - Kapan 0x0F160 - King 0x0F165 - Prin- 0x0F16B - cess 0x0F170 - Lutea 0x0F176 - Prin- 0x0F17C - cess 0x0F181 - Crema 0D = Next line. 7F = Press A for next dialog screen. Multiple dialog screens per character/instance. Corn Cob at the end of Garden Land B: 0x0F317 - 73 93 = $9373 (0x0F383) +---------------+ 0x0F319 - BC 93 = $93BC (0x0F3CC) | Text Pointers | 0x0F31B - 0B 94 = $940B (0x0F41B) +---------------+ 0x0F383 - The beautiful 0x0F391 - Fantasy Kingdom 0x0F3A1 - is now under the 0x0F3B2 - rule of the 0x0F3BE - Wizard King. 0x0F3CC - The ravishing 0x0F3DA - palaces were 0x0F3E7 - hidden, and these 0x0F3F9 - islands were made 0x0F40B - to confine us. 0x0F41B - Kickle, please 0x0F42A - get back the 0x0F437 - palaces and 0x0F443 - revive the 0x0F44E - Fantasy Kingdom! Tomato at the end of Garden Land Q: 0x0F31D - 50 94 = $9450 (0x0F460) +----------+ 0x0F31F - 94 94 = $9494 (0x0F4A4) | Text | 0x0F321 - B3 94 = $94B3 (0x0F4C3) | Pointers | 0x0F323 - E6 94 = $94E6 (0x0F4F6) +----------+ 0x0F460 - Hurry up, Kickle! 0x0F472 - Climb up the vine 0x0F484 - which is going to 0x0F496 - sprout here, 0x0F4A4 - and you can reach 0x0F4B6 - the palace! 0x0F4C3 - A monster is in 0x0F4D3 - the palace, 0x0F4DF - scaring the 0x0F4EB - princess. 0x0F4F6 - Please destroy 0x0F505 - him! Koke - Garden Land boss (big pirate chicken): 0x0F325 - FB 94 = $94FB (0x0F50B) {Text Pointer} 0x0F50B - Hee, hee, 0x0F515 - welcome, Kickle. 0x0F526 - I have been 0x0F532 - waiting for you! Princess Pumpa: 0x0F327 - 34 95 = $9534 (0x0F544) +----------+ 0x0F329 - 56 95 = $9556 (0x0F566) | Text | 0x0F32B - 8E 95 = $958E (0x0F59E) | Pointers | 0x0F32D - BE 95 = $95BE (0x0F5CE) +----------+ 0x0F544 - Oh my dear 0x0F54F - Kickle, 0x0F557 - you saved me! 0x0F566 - There are four 0x0F575 - palaces in this 0x0F585 - Fantasy Kingdom. 0x0F596 - But... 0x0F59E - The Wizard King 0x0F5AE - came and took all 0x0F5C0 - the palaces. 0x0F5CE - Get back all the 0x0F5DF - palaces! Orange at the end of Fruit Land G: 0x0F32F - D9 95 = $95D9 (0x0F5E9) { Text } 0x0F331 - 1B 96 = $961B (0x0F62B) {Pointers} 0x0F5E9 - Our palace was 0x0F5F8 - sunken into 0x0F604 - the ocean 0x0F60E - together with 0x0F61C - our princess. 0x0F62B - Ah, 0x0F62F - poor princess... 0x0F640 - Kickle, please 0x0F64F - help her out! Apple at the end of Fruit Land Q: 0x0F333 - 4E 96 = $964E (0x0F65E) +---------------+ 0x0F335 - 88 96 = $9688 (0x0F698) | Text Pointers | 0x0F337 - AF 96 = $96AF (0x0F6BF) +---------------+ 0x0F65E - Thank you, 0x0F669 - Kickle, now the 0x0F679 - sunken palace is 0x0F68A - reappearing! 0x0F698 - Is the princess 0x0F6A8 - still safe and 0x0F6B7 - sound? 0x0F6BF - Please, Kickle, 0x0F6CF - beat the hateful 0x0F6E0 - monster! Piro - Fruit Land boss (big clown): 0x0F339 - DA 96 = $96DA (0x0F6EA) {Text Pointer} 0x0F6EA - Good job to come 0x0F6FB - up here! 0x0F704 - But you have to 0x0F714 - give up now. Princess Lutea: 0x0F33B - 12 97 = $9712 (0x0F722) +----------+ 0x0F33D - 43 97 = $9743 (0x0F753) | Text | 0x0F33F - 69 97 = $9769 (0x0F779) | Pointers | 0x0F341 - A7 97 = $97A7 (0x0F7B7) +----------+ 0x0F722 - The palace is 0x0F730 - recovered! 0x0F73B - You are great, 0x0F74A - Kickle! 0x0F753 - You must still 0x0F762 - get back 0x0F76B - two palaces. 0x0F779 - Though I don't 0x0F788 - want you alone 0x0F797 - to fight the 0x0F7A4 - horrible monster, 0x0F7B7 - we have no one 0x0F7C6 - but you to rely 0x0F7D6 - upon. 0x0F7DC - Please save them 0x0F7ED - all! Candy at the end of Cake Land E: 0x0F343 - E3 97 = $97E3 (0x0F7F3) { Text } 0x0F345 - 1C 98 = $981C (0x0F82C) {Pointers} 0x0F7F3 - Our palace is 0x0F801 - sealed into 0x0F80D - a crystal ball 0x0F81C - by witchcraft. 0x0F82C - Yet we are not 0x0F83B - afraid! 0x0F843 - You can rescue us 0x0F855 - for sure! 0x0F85F - I trust you! Strawberry Cake at the end of Cake Land O: 0x0F347 - 5D 98 = $985D (0x0F86D) +----------+ 0x0F349 - 88 98 = $9888 (0x0F898) | Text | 0x0F34B - B6 98 = $98B6 (0x0F8C6) | Pointers | 0x0F34D - E5 98 = $98E5 (0x0F8F5) +----------+ 0x0F86D - I have been long 0x0F87E - waiting for this 0x0F88F - moment. 0x0F898 - Now the seal will 0x0F8AA - break on the 0x0F8B7 - crystal ball. 0x0F8C6 - A turtle monster 0x0F8D7 - is said to be in 0x0F8E8 - the palace. 0x0F8F5 - He is said to be 0x0F906 - very tough... 0x0F914 - Kickle, please be 0x0F926 - on your guard! Kapan - Cake Land boss (big turtle): 0x0F34F - 26 99 = $9926 (0xF936) {Text Pointer} 0x0F936 - Hee, hee, 0x0F940 - you are Kickle. 0x0F950 - I will punish 0x0F95E - you! Princess Crema: 0x0F351 - 54 99 = $9954 (0x0F964) +---------------+ 0x0F353 - 93 99 = $9993 (0x0F9A3) | Text Pointers | 0x0F355 - DE 99 = $99DE (0x0F9EE) +---------------+ 0x0F964 - Is this a dream? 0x0F975 - I am now out of 0x0F985 - the crystal ball, 0x0F997 - and yet... 0x0F9A3 - Only when all the 0x0F9B5 - four palaces are 0x0F9C6 - recovered the 0x0F9D4 - Fantasy Kingdom 0x0F9E4 - revives. 0x0F9EE - For our sake, 0x0F9FC - Kickle, get back 0x0FA0D - the Fantasy 0x0FA19 - Kingdom! Christmas stocking/shoe/whatever at the end of Toy Land F: 0x0F357 - 13 9A = $9A13 (0x0FA23) +---------------+ 0x0F359 - 4F 9A = $9A4F (0x0FA5F) | Text Pointers | 0x0F35B - 86 9A = $9A86 (0x0FA96) +---------------+ 0x0FA23 - Our palace is 0x0FA31 - said to have been 0x0FA43 - hidden in 0x0FA4D - a faraway world. 0x0FA5F - If only I were 0x0FA6E - young 0x0FA74 - I could fight 0x0FA82 - together with 0x0FA90 - you! 0x0FA96 - Kickle, my boy! 0x0FAA6 - Be careful! 0x0FAB2 - Good luck! Green block/Lego/whatever at the end of Toy Land Q: 0x0F35D - AE 9A = $9AAE (0x0FABE) +---------------+ 0x0F35F - F3 9A = $9AF3 (0x0FB03) | Text Pointers | 0x0F361 - 3D 9B = $9B3D (0x0FB4D) +---------------+ 0x0FABE - The palace was 0x0FACD - sealed into 0x0FADA - the world of the 0x0FAEB - Wizard King, 0x0FAF8 - sob, sob. 0x0FB03 - Now magic rain is 0x0FB15 - falling. 0x0FB1E - The gate to 0x0FB2A - the magic world 0x0FB3A - is going to open. 0x0FB4D - Please, Kickle, 0x0FB5D - beat the Wizard 0x0FB6D - King! 0x0FB73 - And get back 0x0FB80 - the palace! Wizard King - Toy Land boss (Buckethead Snowman): 0x0F363 - 7D 9B = $9B7D (0x0FB8D) { Text } 0x0F365 - A3 9B = $9BA3 (0x0FBB3) {Pointers} 0x0FB8D - Hee, hee, 0x0FB97 - how dare you come 0x0FBA9 - up here. 0x0FBB3 - How can you 0x0FBBF - defeat me? End scene text: 0x0F367 - BB 9B = $9BBB (0x0FBCB) {Text Pointer} 0x0FBCB - Kickle, 0x0FBD3 - my precious Kickle, 0x0FBE9 - don't die! 0x0FBF8 - Please 0x0FBFF - open your eyes again! Kickle: 0x0F369 - 08 9C = $9C08 (0x0FC18) {Text Pointer} 0x0FC18 - Where am I now? Princess Mira: 0x0F36B - 19 9C = $9C19 (0x0FC29) {Text Pointer} 0x0FC29 - You came around! 0x0FC3A - I am the youngest 0x0FC4C - daughter of 0x0FC58 - King Tois, 0x0FC63 - Pricess Mira. Kickle: 0x0F36D - 63 9C = $9C63 (0x0FC73) {Text Pointer} 0x0FC73 - Is King Tois 0x0FC80 - safe and sound? 0x0FC90 - The Wizard King 0x0FCA0 - is dead, 0x0FCA9 - isn't he? Princess Mira: 0x0F36F - A4 9C = $9CA4 (0x0FCB4) { Text } 0x0F371 - C8 9C = $9CC8 (0x0FCD8) {Pointers} 0x0FCB4 - Thank goodness, 0x0FCC4 - you are all 0x0FCD0 - right. 0x0FCD8 - Come on, 0x0FCE1 - they are all 0x0FCEE - waiting for you! King Tois: 0x0F373 - F0 9C = $9CF0 (0x0FD00) +----------+ 0x0F375 - 0E 9D = $9D0E (0x0FD1E) | | 0x0F377 - 52 9D = $9D52 (0x0FD62) | Text | 0x0F379 - 71 9D = $9D71 (0x0FD81) | Pointers | 0x0F37B - B1 9D = $9DB1 (0x0FDC1) +----------+ 0x0FD00 - Oh, Kickle, 0x0FD0C - you came around! 0x0FD1E - You were blown 0x0FD2D - away 0x0FD32 - when the world of 0x0FD44 - the Wizard King 0x0FD54 - disappeared. 0x0FD62 - Now the palaces 0x0FD72 - are all back! 0x0FD81 - And the 0x0FD89 - Fantasy Kingdom 0x0FD99 - has revived! 0x0FDA6 - Thank you indeed, 0x0FDB8 - Kickle! 0x0FDC1 - No one is happier 0x0FDD3 - than my daughter 0x0FDE4 - Mira. 0x0FDEA - Isn't it so, 0x0FDF7 - Mira, my dear? Princess Mira: 0x0F37D - F7 9D = $9DF7 (0x0FE07) +---------------+ 0x0F37F - 0C 9E = $9E0C (0x0FE1C) | Text Pointers | 0x0F381 - 41 9E = $9E41 (0x0FE51) +---------------+ 0x0FE07 - No kidding, 0x0FE13 - Father! 0x0FE1C - I was really 0x0FE29 - worried about 0x0FE37 - you. 0x0FE3C - It was a good 0x0FE4A - deed. 0x0FE51 - This is just to 0x0FE61 - show my thanks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text Box Cues 0x0F242-0x0F24C (0xB) - Clear the text box. 34 92 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 7F 34 92 = $9234 (0x0F244) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 7F 0x0F24D-0x0F254 (0x8) - Text box. 41 92 43 92 3D 7F 20 7F 41 92 = $9241 (0x0F251) 43 92 = $9243 (0x0F253) 3D 7F 20 7F 0x0F255-0x0F256 (0x2) - Corn Cob at the end of Garden Land B. 7B 92 = $927B (0x0F28B) 0x0F257-0x0F258 (0x2) - Tomato at the end of Garden Land Q. 81 92 = $9281 (0x0F291) 0x0F259-0x0F25A (0x2) - ? 88 92 = $9288 (0x0F298) 0x0F25B-0x0F25C (0x2) - Koke - Garden Land boss (big pirate chicken). 8C 92 = $928C (0x0F29C) 0x0F25D-0x0F25E (0x2) - Princess Pumpa. 90 92 = $9290 (0x0F2A0) 0x0F25F-0x0F260 (0x2) - Orange at the end of Fruit Land G. 97 92 = $9297 (0x0F2A7) 0x0F261-0x0F262 (0x2) - Apple at the end of Fruit Land Q. 9C 92 = $929C (0x0F2AC) 0x0F263-0x0F264 (0x2) - ? A2 92 = $92A2 (0x0F2B2) 0x0F265-0x0F266 (0x2) - Piro - Fruit Land boss (big clown). A6 92 = $92A6 (0x0F2B6) 0x0F267-0x0F268 (0x2) - Princess Lutea. AA 92 = $92AA (0x0F2BA) 0x0F269-0x0F26A (0x2) B1 92 = $92B1 (0x0F2C1) 0x0F26B-0x0F26C (0x2) B6 92 = $92B6 (0x0F2C6) 0x0F26D-0x0F26E (0x2) BD 92 = $92BD (0x0F2CD) 0x0F26F-0x0F270 (0x2) C1 92 = $92C1 (0x0F2D1) 0x0F271-0x0F272 (0x2) C5 92 = $92C5 (0x0F2D5) 0x0F273-0x0F274 (0x2) - Christmas stocking/whatever at the end of Toy Land F. CB 92 = $92CB (0x0F2DB) 0x0F275-0x0F276 (0x2) - Green block/whatever at the end of Toy Land Q. D1 92 = $92D1 (0x0F2E1) 0x0F277-0x0F278 (0x2) - ? D7 92 = $92D7 (0x0F2E7) 0x0F279-0x0F27A (0x2) - ? DB 92 = $92DB (0x0F2EB) 0x0F27B-0x0F27C (0x2) - Wizard King - Toy Land boss (Buckethead Snowman). DF 92 = $92DF (0x0F2EF) 0x0F27D-0x0F27E (0x2) - End scene text. E4 92 = $92E4 (0x0F2F4) 0x0F27F-0x0F280 (0x2) - Kickle. E8 92 = $92E8 (0x0F2F8) 0x0F281-0x0F282 (0x2) - Princess Mira. EC 92 = $92EC (0x0F2FC) 0x0F283-0x0F284 (0x2) - Kickle. F0 92 = $92F0 (0x0F300) 0x0F285-0x0F286 (0x2) - Princess Mira. F4 92 = $92F4 (0x0F304) 0x0F287-0x0F288 (0x2) - King Tois. F9 92 = $92F9 (0x0F309) 0x0F289-0x0F28A (0x2) - Princess Mira. 01 93 = $9301 (0x0F311) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of Text Boxes Per Instance *Note: Appears unfinished and potentially inaccurate...* 0x0F28B-0x0F290 (0x6) - Corn Cob at the end of Garden Land B. 49 80 00 01 02 FF 0x0F291-0x0F297 (0x7) - Tomato at the end of Garden Land Q. 49 81 03 04 05 06 FF 0x0F298-0x0F29B (0x4) - ? 49 C0 05 FF 0x0F29C-0x0F29F (0x4) - Koke - Garden Land boss (big pirate chicken). 54 C4 07 FF 0x0F2A0-0x0F2A6 (0x7) - Princess Pumpa. 59 C1 08 09 0A 0B FF 0x0F2A7-0x0F2AB (0x5) - Orange at the end of Fruit Land G. 49 82 0C 0D FF 0x0F2AC-0x0F2B1 (0x6) - Apple at the end of Fruit Land Q. 49 83 0E 0F 10 FF 0x0F2B2-0x0F2B5 (0x4) - ? 49 C0 05 FF 0x0F2B6-0x0F2B9 (0x4) - Piro - Fruit Land boss (big clown). 4A C5 11 FF 0x0F2BA-0x0F2C0 (0x7) - Princess Lutea. 4A C8 12 13 14 15 FF 0x0F2C1-0x0F2C5 (0x5) 49 84 16 17 FF 0x0F2C6-0x0F2CC (0x7) 49 85 18 19 1A 1B FF 0x0F2CD-0x0F2D0 (0x4) 49 C0 05 FF 0x0F2D1-0x0F2D4 (0x4) 45 C6 1C FF 0x0F2D5-0x0F2DA (0x6) 45 C9 1D 1E 1F FF 0x0F2DB-0x0F2E0 (0x6) - Christmas stocking/whatever at the end of Toy Land F. 49 86 20 21 22 FF 0x0F2E1-0x0F2E6 (0x6) - Green block/whatever at the end of Toy Land Q. 49 87 23 24 25 FF 0x0F2E7-0x0F2EA (0x4) - ? 49 C0 05 FF 0x0F2EB-0x0F2EE (0x4) - ? 50 C0 22 FF 0x0F2EF-0x0F2F3 (0x5) - Wizard King - Toy Land boss (Buckethead Snowman). 50 C7 26 27 FF 0x0F2F4-0x0F2F7 (0x4) - End scene text. 49 00 28 FF 0x0F2F8-0x0F2FB (0x4) - Kickle. 49 C0 29 FF 0x0F2FC-0x0F2FF (0x4) - Princess Mira. 49 C3 2A FF 0x0F300-0x0F303 (0x4) - Kickle. 49 C0 2B FF 0x0F304-0x0F308 (0x5) - Princess Mira. 49 C3 2C 2D FF 0x0F309-0x0F310 (0x8) - King Tois. 49 C2 2E 2F 30 31 32 FF 0x0F311-0x0F316 (0x6) - Princess Mira. 49 C3 33 34 35 FF --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unorganized Notes - Yay! /s 0x10060: 58 A0 = $A058 (0x10068) - Garden Land 0x10062: 7A A0 = $A07A (0x1008A) - Fruit Land 0x10064: 9C A0 = $A09C (0x100AC) - Cake Land 0x10066: BC A0 = $A0BC (0x100CC) - Toy Land 0x10068-0x10089 (0x22) - Garden Land map positions per level 0x1008A-0x100AB (0x22) - Fruit Land map positions per level 0x100AC-0x100CB (0x20) - Cake Land map positions per level 0x100CC-0x100ED (0x22) - Toy Land map positions per level 0x0C8BD - Table for sprites used in circle at the end of a level. For example, the first level, Garden Land A, is 1A, which is a carrot. Table pointers 0x0C7E7: EB 87 = $87EB (0x0C7FB) - Garden Land End Level Sprite Speeches 0x0C7E9: AD 88 = $88AD (0x0C8BD) - Garden Land End Level Sprite Types 0x0C7EB: 0D 88 = $880D (0x0C81D) - Fruit Land End Level Sprite Speeches 0x0C7ED: BE 88 = $88BE (0x0C8CE) - Fruit Land End Level Sprite Types 0x0C7EF: 2F 88 = $882F (0x0C83F) - Cake Land End Level Sprite Speeches 0x0C7F1: CF 88 = $88CF (0x0C8DF) - Cake Land End Level Sprite Types 0x0C7F3: 4F 88 = $884F (0x0C85F) - Toy Land End Level Sprite Speeches 0x0C7F5: DF 88 = $88DF (0x0C8EF) - Toy Land End Level Sprite Types 0x0C7F7: 71 88 = $8871 (0x0C881) - Special Game End Level Sprite Speeches 0x0C7F9: F0 88 = $88F0 (0x0C900) - Special Game End Level Sprite Types Speeches 0E 89 = $890E (0xC91E) - No Speech 17 89 = $8917 (0xC927) - Corn Cob at the end of Garden Land B 1B 89 = $891B (0xC92B) - Tomato at the end of Garden Land Q 20 89 = $8920 (0xC930) - Orange at the end of Fruit Land G 25 89 = $8925 (0xC935) - Apple at the end of Fruit Land Q 2A 89 = $892A (0xC93A) - Candy at the end of Cake Land E 2F 89 = $892F (0xC93F) - Strawberry Cake at the end of Cake Land O 34 89 = $8934 (0xC944) - Christmas stocking/shoe/whatever at the end of Toy Land F 38 89 = $8938 (0xC948) - Green block/Lego/whatever at the end of Toy Land Q AC 8B = $8BAC (0xCBBC) - "All Stages Are Cleared!" & Ending Message/Sequence Types 0x0C8BD-0x0C8CD (0x11) - Garden Land 0x0C8CE-0x0C8DE (0x11) - Fruit Land 0x0C8DF-0x0C8EE (0x10) - Cake Land 0x0C8EF-0x0C8FF (0x11) - Toy Land 0x0C900-0x0C91D (0x1E) - Special Game 00 - Orange Squash? 01 - Yellow Banana 02 - Green Apple? 03 - Red Cherry 04 - Orange Pineapple 05 - Pink Gelatin with Cool Whip? 06 - Red Strawberry 07 - Butt Fruit? What the heck? 08 - Hamburger 09 - Green Watermelon 0A - Red Tomato 0B - Long Brown Bread 0C - Green Pepper? 0D - Purple Squash? 0E - Orange Pumpkin? 0F - Beige Pie? 10 - Red Apple 11 - Yellow & Green Onion? 12 - Green Cucumber 13 - Green SMB2-Like Vegetable 14 - Pink Strawberry Cake 15 - Purple Grapes 16 - Yellow Powdered Donut 17 - Pink Swirly Lollipop 18 - Orange Oranges That Are Orange 19 - Volcano Chip Dip? 1A - Orange Carrot 1B - Vanilla Ice Cream Cone 1C - Corn Cob 1D - Green Christmas Tree 1E - Red Christmas Hat 1F - White Toy Model Airplane 20 - Nothing 21 - Nothing 22 - Nothing 23 - Nothing 24 - Nothing 25 - Nothing 26 - Red Christmas Stocking 27 - Purple & Black Toy 28 - Pink Candy 29 - Red Wind-up Toy Car 2A - Red Wind-up Toy Soldier 2B - Freaky Clown Voodoo Doll von Mecha 2C - Green Block/Lego/Whatever 2D - Panda Toy 2E - Nothing 2F - Nothing Rest are glitchy sprites, i.e. nothing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music/Sound/Audio? 0x1A54E: BE 85 = $85BE = 0x1A5CE 00 0x1A550: C0 85 = $85C0 = 0x1A5D0 01 0x1A552: C2 85 = $85C2 = 0x1A5D2 02 0x1A554: C4 85 = $85C4 = 0x1A5D4 03 0x1A556: C6 85 = $85C6 = 0x1A5D6 04 0x1A558: CA 85 = $85CA = 0x1A5DA 05 0x1A55A: CE 85 = $85CE = 0x1A5DE 06 0x1A55C: D2 85 = $85D2 = 0x1A5E2 07 0x1A55E: D4 85 = $85D4 = 0x1A5E4 08 0x1A560: D6 85 = $85D6 = 0x1A5E6 09 0x1A562: D8 85 = $85D8 = 0x1A5E8 0A 0x1A564: DA 85 = $85DA = 0x1A5EA 0B 0x1A566: DC 85 = $85DC = 0x1A5EC 0C 0x1A568: E4 85 = $85E4 = 0x1A5F4 0D 0x1A56A: E8 85 = $85E8 = 0x1A5F8 0E 0x1A56C: EA 85 = $85EA = 0x1A5FA 0F 0x1A56E: EE 85 = $85EE = 0x1A5FE 10 0x1A570: F0 85 = $85F0 = 0x1A600 11 0x1A572: F2 85 = $85F2 = 0x1A602 12 0x1A574: F6 85 = $85F6 = 0x1A606 13 0x1A576: FA 85 = $85FA = 0x1A60A 14 0x1A578: FE 85 = $85FE = 0x1A60E 15 0x1A57A: 02 86 = $8602 = 0x1A612 16 0x1A57C: 06 86 = $8606 = 0x1A616 17 0x1A57E: 08 86 = $8608 = 0x1A618 18 0x1A580: 0A 86 = $860A = 0x1A61A 19 0x1A582: 0C 86 = $860C = 0x1A61C 1A 0x1A584: 0E 86 = $860E = 0x1A61E 1B 0x1A586: 10 86 = $8610 = 0x1A620 1C 0x1A588: 14 86 = $8614 = 0x1A624 1D 0x1A58A: 18 86 = $8618 = 0x1A628 1E 0x1A58C: 1C 86 = $861C = 0x1A62C 1F 0x1A58E: 20 86 = $8620 = 0x1A630 20 0x1A590: 22 86 = $8622 = 0x1A632 21 0x1A592: 24 86 = $8624 = 0x1A634 22 0x1A594: 26 86 = $8626 = 0x1A636 23 0x1A596: 28 86 = $8628 = 0x1A638 24 Main Theme 0x1A598: 30 86 = $8630 = 0x1A640 25 0x1A59A: 38 86 = $8638 = 0x1A648 26 0x1A59C: 40 86 = $8640 = 0x1A650 27 0x1A59E: 46 86 = $8646 = 0x1A656 28 0x1A5A0: 4E 86 = $864E = 0x1A65E 29 0x1A5A2: 56 86 = $8656 = 0x1A666 2A 0x1A5A4: 5E 86 = $865E = 0x1A66E 2B 0x1A5A6: 66 86 = $8666 = 0x1A676 2C 0x1A5A8: 6E 86 = $866E = 0x1A67E 2D 0x1A5AA: 72 86 = $8672 = 0x1A682 2E 0x1A5AC: 76 86 = $8676 = 0x1A686 2F 0x1A5AE: 78 86 = $8678 = 0x1A688 30 0x1A5B0: 7A 86 = $867A = 0x1A68A 31 0x1A5B2: 7C 86 = $867C = 0x1A68C 32 0x1A5B4: 7E 86 = $867E = 0x1A68E 33 0x1A5B6: 80 86 = $8680 = 0x1A690 34 0x1A5B8: 82 86 = $8682 = 0x1A692 35 0x1A5BA: 84 86 = $8684 = 0x1A694 36 0x1A5BC: 8C 86 = $868C = 0x1A69C 37 0x1A5BE: 8C 86 = $868C = 0x1A69C 38 0x1A5C0: 94 86 = $8694 = 0x1A6A4 39 0x1A5C2: 9C 86 = $869C = 0x1A6AC 3A 0x1A5C4: 9C 86 = $869C = 0x1A6AC 3B 0x1A5C6: 9C 86 = $869C = 0x1A6AC 3C 0x1A5C8: 9C 86 = $869C = 0x1A6AC 3D 0x1A5CA: 9C 86 = $869C = 0x1A6AC 3E 0x1A5CC: 9C 86 = $869C = 0x1A6AC 3F Silence/No Music (?) 0x1A5CE-0x1A5CF (0x2) 9C 06 $869C = 0x1A6AC Silence/No Music (?) 0x1A5D0-0x1A5D1 (0x2) 9F 06 $869F = 0x1A6AF Clicking Noise/Sound Effect (?) 0x1A5D2-0x1A5D3 (0x2) A2 06 $86A2 = 0x1A6B2 Blinking Noise/Sound Effect (?) 0x1A5D4-0x1A5D5 (0x2) A9 06 $86A9 = 0x1A6B9 1-UP Noise/Sound Effect 0x1A5D6-0x1A5D9 (0x4) B0 86 C8 06 $86B0 = 0x1A6C0 $86C8 = 0x1A6D8 Special Game Level Screen Intro 0x1A5DA-0x1A5DD (0x4) DF 86 EC 06 $86DF = 0x1A6EF $86EC = 0x1A6FC Boss Destruction Noise/Sound Effect 0x1A5DE-0x1A5E1 (0x4) FA 86 01 07 $86FA = 0x1A70A $8701 = 0x1A711 Nudge Noise/Sound Effect (?) 0x1A5E2-0x1A5E3 (0x2) 1E 07 $871E = 0x1A72E Power Rock Freezing Noise/Sound Effect 0x1A5E4-0x1A5E5 (0x2) 23 07 $8723 = 0x1A733 Ice Pop Collecting Noise/Sound Effect 0x1A5E6-0x1A5E7 (0x2) 36 07 $8736 = 0x1A746 Dream Bag/Item Collecting Noise/Sound Effect 0x1A5E8-0x1A5E9 (0x2) 59 07 $8759 = 0x1A769 Ground Breaking Apart Noise/Sound Effect (?) 0x1A5EA-0x1A5EB (0x2) 6C 07 $876C = 0x1A77C Boss Intro Theme Music/Song 0x1A5EC-0x1A5F3 (0x8) 87 87 98 87 AA 87 AD 07 $8787 = 0x1A797 $8798 = 0x1A7A8 $87AA = 0x1A7BA $87AD = 0x1A7BD Kickle Spawning Theme Music/Song 0x1A5F4-0x1A5F7 (0x4) B0 87 C6 07 $87B0 = 0x1A7C0 $87C6 = 0x1A7D6 Boss Flashing Noise/Sound Effect (?) 0x1A5F8-0x1A5F9 (0x2) DB 07 $87DB = 0x1A7EB Land Map Screen Noise/Sound Effect 0x1A5FA-0x1A5FD (0x4) F4 87 FF 07 $87F4 = 0x1A804 $87FF = 0x1A80F Spring Board Bouncing Noise/Sound Effect 0x1A5FE-0x1A5FF (0x2) 0B 08 $880B = 0x1A81B Hammer Spinning Noise/Sound Effect 0x1A600-0x1A601 (0x2) 16 08 $8816 = 0x1A826 Boss Level Ground Clears At Start Noise/Sound Effect 0x1A602-0x1A605 (0x4) 29 88 2E 08 $8829 = 0x1A839 $882E = 0x1A83E Noise/Sound Effect (?) 0x1A606-0x1A609 (0x4) 34 88 39 08 $8834 = 0x1A844 $8839 = 0x1A849 Kickle Death Noise/Sound Effect 0x1A60A-0x1A60D (0x4) 3F 88 A1 08 $883F = 0x1A84F $88A1 = 0x1A8B1 Kickle Death to Star/Time Out Noise/Sound Effect 0x1A60E-0x1A611 (0x4) 04 89 22 09 $8904 = 0x1A914 $8922 = 0x1A932 Kickle Death to ??? Noise/Sound Effect 0x1A612-0x1A615 (0x4) 41 89 65 09 $8941 = 0x1A951 $8965 = 0x1A975 Time Running Out Noise/Sound Effect 0x1A616-0x1A617 (0x2) 8A 09 $898A = 0x1A99A 0x1A618-0x1A619 (0x2) 92 09 $8992 = 0x1A9A2 0x1A61A-0x1A61B (0x2) A5 09 $89A5 = 0x1A9B5 0x1A61C-0x1A61D (0x2) AE 09 $89AE = 0x1A9BE Kickle Appears (While Spawning) Noise/Sound Effect 0x1A61E-0x1A61F (0x2) C1 09 $89C1 = 0x1A9D1 Vine Growing Noise/Sound Effect (?) 0x1A620-0x1A623 (0x4) D4 89 DE 09 $89D4 = 0x1A9E4 $89DE = 0x1A9EE Rainbow/Other Appearing Noise/Sound Effect 0x1A624-0x1A627 (0x4) E8 89 EF 09 $89E8 = 0x1A9F8 $89EF = 0x1A9FF 0x1A628-0x1A62B (0x4) F7 89 FC 09 $89F7 = 0x1AA07 $89FC = 0x1AA0C 0x1A62C-0x1A62F (0x4) 02 8A 07 0A $8A02 = 0x1AA12 $8A07 = 0x1AA17 0x1A630-0x1A631 (0x2) 0D 0A $8A0D = 0x1AA1D 0x1A632-0x1A633 (0x2) 12 0A $8A12 = 0x1AA22 0x1A634-0x1A635 (0x2) 17 0A $8A17 = 0x1AA27 0x1A636-0x1A637 (0x2) 36 0A $8A36 = 0x1AA46 Main Level Theme Music/Song 0x1A638-0x1A63F (0x8) 3C 8A 32 8B D0 8C 57 0E $8A3C = 0x1AA4C $8B32 = 0x1AB42 $8CD0 = 0x1ACE0 $8E57 = 0x1AE67 Ending Level Theme Music/Song 0x1A640-0x1A647 (0x8) 6D 8E 95 8E BD 8E D1 0E $8E6D = 0x1AE7D $8E95 = 0x1AEA5 $8EBD = 0x1AECD $8ED1 = 0x1AEE1 Princess Mira's Ring Theme Music/Song 0x1A648-0x1A64F (0x8) F9 8E 79 8F 8F 8F 9A 0F $8EF9 = 0x1AF09 $8F79 = 0x1AF89 $8F8F = 0x1AF9F $8F9A = 0x1AFAA Beaten Boss Theme Music/Song 0x1A650-0x1A655 (0x6) B2 8F 0A 90 60 10 $8FB2 = 0x1AFC2 $900A = 0x1B01A $9060 = 0x1B070 Time Out Theme Music/Song 0x1A656-0x1A65D (0x8) 88 90 99 90 A9 90 B8 10 $9088 = 0x1B098 $9099 = 0x1B0A9 $90A9 = 0x1B0B9 $90B8 = 0x1B0C8 End of Level Theme Music/Song 0x1A65E-0x1A665 (0x8) C4 90 E3 90 02 91 05 11 $90C4 = 0x1B0D4 $90E3 = 0x1B0F3 $9102 = 0x1B112 $9105 = 0x1B115 Game Over Screen Theme Music/Song 0x1A666-0x1A66D (0x8) 08 91 19 91 53 91 6C 11 $9108 = 0x1B118 $9119 = 0x1B129 $9153 = 0x1B163 $916C = 0x1B17C Boss Battle Theme Music/Song (2B) 0x1A66E-0x1A675 (0x8) 6F 91 4F 92 1F 93 F6 13 $916F = 0x1B17F $924F = 0x1B25F $931F = 0x1B32F $93F6 = 0x1B406 Password Screen Theme Music/Song 0x1A676-0x1A67D (0x8) 86 94 AC 94 CD 94 F8 14 $9486 = 0x1B496 $94AC = 0x1B4BC $94CD = 0x1B4DD $94F8 = 0x1B508 Extended Kickle Spawn Moving Sound Effect 0x1A67E-0x1A681 (0x4) 16 95 2A 15 $9516 = 0x1B526 $952A = 0x1B53A Kickle Spawn Dropping Sound Effect 0x1A682-0x1A685 (0x4) 3E 95 43 15 $953E = 0x1B54E $9543 = 0x1B553 Sound Effect (?) 0x1A686-0x1A687 (0x2) 49 15 $9549 = 0x1B559 Ice Cube Kicking Sound Effect 0x1A688-0x1A689 (0x2) 5C 15 $955C = 0x1B56C Ice Cube Breaking Sound Effect 0x1A68A-0x1A68B (0x2) 72 15 $9572 = 0x1B582 Ice Cube Freezing Sound Effect 0x1A68C-0x1A68D (0x2) 85 15 $9585 = 0x1B595 Ice Cube Filling Water Sound Effect 0x1A68E-0x1A68F (0x2) 9C 15 $959C = 0x1B5AC Ice Pillar Sound Effect (?) 0x1A690-0x1A691 (0x2) AF 15 $95AF = 0x1B5BF Shades Ice Breath Sound Effect 0x1A692-0x1A693 (0x2) CC 15 $95CC = 0x1B5DC Suspenseful (Approaching) Palace Theme Music/Song 0x1A694-0x1A69B (0x8) EB 95 FE 95 10 96 35 16 $95EB = 0x1B5FB $95FE = 0x1B60E $9610 = 0x1B620 $9635 = 0x1B645 Ending Celebration Theme Music/Song 0x1A69C-0x1A6A3 (0x8) 38 96 6C 97 A0 98 63 19 $9638 = 0x1B648 $976C = 0x1B77C $98A0 = 0x1B8B0 $9963 = 0x1B973 Different Section of Ending Celebration Theme Music/Song 0x1A6A4-0x1A6AB (0x8) 73 99 12 9A B0 9A 0F 1B $9973 = 0x1B983 $9A12 = 0x1BA22 $9AB0 = 0x1BAC0 $9B0F = 0x1BB1F 3A and above values in Sound Collection do nothing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mira's Ring 0x064D2: 26 - Mira's Ring Theme Music/Song to play after collecting the Mira's Ring item. 0x066EE-0x0676D (0x80) - Levels that Mira's Ring can appear in. If the level has a value of FF, the Ring cannot appear in that level! FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 8C FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 83 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 82 8C FF FF FF FF 87 83 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 74 FF FF FF FF FF B6 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 85 3A FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 84 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF A7 FF FF FF Levels that Princess Mira's Ring can appear in: 1. Level 0B - Cake Land M: Position 8C (X: 70, Y: B0) 2. Level 16 - Toy Land K: Position 83 (X: 70, Y: 20) 3. Level 33 - Garden Land D: Position 82 (X: 70, Y: 10) 4. Level 34 - Level 01 Repeat: Position 8C (X: 70, Y: B0) 5. Level 39 - Fruit Land H: Position 87 (X: 70, Y: 60) 6. Level 3A - Cake Land C: Position 83 (X: 70, Y: 20) 7. Level 46 - Fruit Land M: Position 74 (X: 60, Y: 30) 8. Level 4C - Fruit Land B: Position B6 (X: A0, Y: 50) 9. Level 56 - Cake Land F: Position 85 (X: 70, Y: 40) 10. Level 57 - Toy Land B: Position 3A (X: 20, Y: 90) 11. Level 63 - Garden Land G: Position 84 (X: 70, Y: 30) 12. Level 7C - Toy Land A: Position A7 (X: 90, Y: 60) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tile Values 00 - Water 01 - Land 02 - Slippery Ice 03 - Rock 04 - Water Hole (NOT: Land Block (Can't walk on)) 05 - Power Rock 06 - Power Rock (Broken) 07 - Ice Pop (3200 points) 08 - Red Cannon (North) 09 - Red Cannon (Northeast) 0A - Red Cannon (East) 0B - Red Cannon (Southeast) 0C - Red Cannon (South) 0D - Red Cannon (Southwest) 0E - Red Cannon (West) 0F - Red Cannon (Northwest) (Frozen; can walk on) 10 - Hammer Slippery Ice (Top-Left Corner) 11 - Hammer Slippery Ice (Left Edge) 12 - Hammer Slippery Ice (Bottom-Left Corner) 13 - Hammer Slippery Ice (Top Edge) 14 - Hammer Slippery Ice (Bottom Edge) 15 - Hammer Slippery Ice (Top-Right Corner) 16 - Hammer Slippery Ice (Right Edge) 17 - Hammer Slippery Ice (Bottom-Right Corner) 18 - Hammer (Top) 19 - Hammer (Right) 1A - Hammer (Bottom) 1B - Hammer (Left) 1C - Hammer Bottom (With Hammer (Top)) 1D - Hammer Bottom (With Hammer (Right)) 1E - Hammer Bottom (With Hammer (Bottom)) 1F - Hammer Bottom (With Hammer (Left)) 20 - Weird Ice Cube (Leaves weird red tiled land; can walk on) 21 - Ice Pillar (Can remove) 22 - Ice Pillar (Can't remove) 23 - Melting ice (Can't freeze or move) 24 - Land (Can't place ice pillar) 25 - 1-UP (Can place multiple, but only one will show in a level) 26 - Land 27 - Dark Blue Land (Placing ice pillar changes it to land; Noggles walks on) 28 - Breaker (Points up) 29 - Breaker (Points right) 2A - Breaker (Points down) 2B - Breaker (Points left) 2C - Base Rock 2D - Base Rock (Slightly open) 2E - Base Rock (More open; can walk on) 2F - Weird Red Tiled Land 30 - Spring (Bounces off left side; right side is rock) 31 - Spring (Bounces off right side; left side is rock) 32 - Spring (Bounces off top side; bottom side is rock) 33 - Spring (Bounces off bottom side; top side is rock) 34 - Spring (Mid-bounce off right side) 35 - Spring (Mid-bounce off right side) 36 - Spring (Mid-bounce off left side) 37 - Spring (Mid-bounce off left side) 38 - Spring (Mid-bounce off bottom side) 39 - Spring (Mid-bounce off bottom side) 3A - Spring (Mid-bounce off top side) 3B - Spring (Mid-bounce off top side) 3C - Weird Blue Block (Can't walk on) 3D - Weird Blue Block (Can't walk on) 3E - Weird Red Tiled Land 3F - Slippery Ice (Noggles can't walk on) 40 - Cracked Land (Can't walk on) 41 - Bottom-Right Water "L" 42 - Bottom-Left Water 43 - Bottom Water 44 - Water Top Right Side 45 - Full Water Right Side 46 - Bottom-Right Water Corner 47 - Yellow Block (Can't walk on) 48 - Broken Up Ice Block (Can't walk on) 49 - Broken Up Ice Block (Can't walk on) 4A - Broken Up Ice Top (Can't walk on) 4B - Broken Up Ice Block (Can't walk on) 4C - Broken Up Ice Left (Can't walk on) 4D - Broken Up Ice Block (Can't walk on) 4E - Broken Up Ice Bottom-Right Water Corner (Can't walk on; ice doesn't fill) 4F - Broken Up Ice Block (Can't walk on) 50 - Weird White-Red Block (Can walk on) 51 - Weird White-Yellow-Red (Can walk on) 52 - Weird 53 - Weird 54 - Weird 55 - Weird 56 - Weird 57 - Weird 58 - Weird 59 - Weird Left-Right Spring (Can walk on) 5A - Weird Up-Down Spring (Can walk on) 5B - Weird 5C - Weird 5D - Weird 5E - Weird Slippery Ice (Noggles can walk on) 5F - Weird Red Tiled Land (Collect for 400 points) 60 - "4657" Block (Can't walk on; stops ice) 61 - "8_9_" Block (Can't walk on; stops ice) 62 - "[]" Blue Breaker Block (Can't walk on; stops ice) 63 - Weird Blue Breaker Block 64 - Weird Red Tiled Land 65 - Weird Red Tiled Land 66 - Weird Red Tiled Land 67 - Weird Red Tiled Land 68 - Weird Red Tiled Land 69 - Weird Red Tiled Land 6A - Weird Red Tiled Land 6B - Weird Red Tiled Land 6C - Weird Red Tiled Land 6D - Weird Red Tiled Land 6E - Weird Red Tiled Land 6F - Weird Red Tiled Land 70 - Hammer Slippery Ice (Top-Left Corner) 71 - Hammer Slippery Ice (Left Edge) 72 - Hammer Slippery Ice (Bottom-Left Corner) 73 - Hammer Slippery Ice (Top Edge) 74 - Hammer Slippery Ice (Bottom Edge) 75 - Hammer Slippery Ice (Top-Right Corner) 76 - Hammer Slippery Ice (Right Edge) 77 - Hammer Slippery Ice (Bottom-Right Corner) 78 - Weird White-Blue 79 - Weird Red Tiled Land 7A - Weird Red Tiled Land 7B - Weird Red Tiled Land 7C - Weird Red Tiled Land 7D - Weird Red Tiled Land 7E - Weird Red Tiled Land 7F - Weird Black-Red Water (Can't walk on; can't fill with ice) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 01 - Garden Land A Level Data: 0x17AB2 00000000000000014400000000000000 00000000000001010144000000000000 00000000000042434346000000000000 00000101010101010101010101440000 00010101010101010101010101014400 00424343434343434343434343434600 00010101010101010101010101014400 00420101010101010101010101414600 0000422C010301010103012C41460000 00000042010101010101014146000000 00000000420101010101414600000000 00000000004201010141460000000000 00000000000042014146000000000000 00000000000000424600000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x1215A 0B C0 0A 05 00 73 83 FF 01 7B 8B FF 03 EF FF 17 16 18 01 A7 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 1/4 palette for Kickle and Dream Bags. 73 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 30, Y: 70). 83 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 80). FF - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). 7B - Noggles #2 starting position (X: B0, Y: 70). 8B - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: B0, Y: 80). FF - 03 - Noggles #2 direction (left). EF - FF - 17 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 70, Y: 10). 16 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 60, Y: 10). 18 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 80, Y: 10). 01 - A7 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: A0). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 02 - Garden Land N Level Data: 0x13112 000000000000002C4400000000000000 00000000070101010101014400000000 00000007010101010101010144000000 00000701014143434343010101440000 00000101410101440101410101450000 00004243010101010101014143460000 0000010141012C412C01410101440000 00000101014143464243010101450000 00000101010101010101010101450000 00000101010101010101010101450000 000042010101012C0101010141460000 00000202020101010101020202440000 00020202020241434302020202024400 00424343434346000042434343434600 Enemy Data: 0x1216E 0B C0 0A 05 00 83 A7 FF 01 8B A7 FF 03 EF 1E 88 0D 11 02 27 07 FF 02 EF FF 17 55 59 01 87 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 83 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 30, Y: 80). A7 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: A0). FF - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). 8B - Noggles #2 starting position (X: B0, Y: 80). A7 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: A0). FF - 03 - Noggles #2 direction (left). EF - 1E - 88 - 0D - 11 - 02 - 27 - Sparky #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 20). 07 - Sparky #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 00). FF - 02 - Sparky #1 direction (down; immediately turns left due to water). EF - FF - 17 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 70, Y: 10). 55 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 50, Y: 50). 59 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 90, Y: 50). 01 - 87 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 80). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 03 - Garden Land E Level Data: 0x13D7C 00000000000001010144000000000000 00000000000101010101440000000000 0000000001012C012C01014400000000 00000000010101010101014500000000 00000000420101030101414600000000 31010101200101010101450101013044 31010101200101010101450101013045 42434343430101010101454243434346 00000000000101010101450000000000 00000000004243434343460000000000 00000000000101250101440000000000 00000000004201010141460000000000 00000000000042014146000000000000 00000000000000424600000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x1218C 0B C0 0A 05 00 EF FF 52 62 5C 01 67 26 01 28 01 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - EF - FF - 52 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 20, Y: 50). 62 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 20, Y: 60). 5C - Dream Bag #3 (X: C0, Y: 50). 01 - 67 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 60). 26 - Ice cube/Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 60, Y: 20). 01 - Tile under ice cube #1 (01 - Land). 28 - Ice cube/Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 80, Y: 20). 01 - Tile under ice cube #2 (01 - Land). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 04 - Garden Land B Level Data: 0x13669 00000000000000034400000000000000 00000000000101010101440000000000 00000000004243434343460000000000 00000000000744074407440000000000 00000344004246424642460003440000 00034103440101010101440341034400 03414642010101010101014146420344 03450001010101010101010144000345 42032C0101010101010101012C034146 00420301010101010101010103414600 00004201010101010101010141460000 00000042010101010101014146000000 00000000420101010101414600000000 00000000004243434343460000000000 Enemy Data: 0x1219C 0B C0 0A 05 00 84 82 00 01 8A 8C 00 03 EF 0D 08 0E 0D 02 17 FF 00 00 EF FF 15 67 19 01 A7 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 84 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 80). 82 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 20, Y: 80). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). 8A - Noggles #2 starting position (X: A0, Y: 80). 8C - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: 80). 00 - 03 - Noggles #2 direction (left). EF - 0D - 08 - 0E - 0D - 02 - 17 - Mr. Hoople #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 10). FF - Mr. Hoople #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 00 - Mr. Hoople #1 direction (up; immediately turns right due to water). EF - FF - 15 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 50, Y: 10). 67 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 60). 19 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 90, Y: 10). 01 - A7 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: A0). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 05 - Fruit Land F Level Data: 0x1523F 00000000101315440202024400000000 00000000111D19450202024500000000 00000744121417450202024507440000 00000745020202030202024507450000 00004246020202030202024542460000 00000303020202030202020303440000 00030101010101030101010101034400 03010101010101030101010101010344 2C010101010101030101010101012C45 03010101010101030101010101010345 03010101010101030101010101010345 42030101010103410301010101034146 00420303030341464203030303414600 00004243434346000042434343460000 Enemy Data: 0x121BA 0B C0 0A 05 00 74 80 00 00 76 80 00 00 EF 25 88 09 07 02 78 8E 00 00 7A 8E 00 00 EF FF 93 29 9B 01 45 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 74 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 70). 80 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 00, Y: 80). 00 - 00 - Noggles #1 direction (up). 76 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 60, Y: 70). 80 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 00, Y: 80). 00 - 00 - Noggles #2 direction (up). EF - 25 - 88 - 09 - 07 - 02 - 78 - Bonkers #1 starting position (X: 80, Y: 70). 8E - Bonkers #1 Base Rock position (X: E0, Y: 80). 00 - 00 - Bonkers #1 direction (up). 7A - Bonkers #2 starting position (X: A0, Y: 70). 8E - Bonkers #2 Base Rock position (X: E0, Y: 80). 00 - 00 - Bonkers #2 direction (up). EF - FF - 93 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 30, Y: 90). 29 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 90, Y: 20). 9B - Dream Bag #3 (X: B0, Y: 90). 01 - 45 - Kickle starting position (X: 50, Y: 40). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 06 - Garden Land I Level Data: 0x14BB1 00000001010101030101010144000000 00000107070101030101070701440000 00010101010101030101010101014400 01014143434301030141434343010144 01014501014401030145010144010145 01014501014501030145010145010145 01014542434601030145424346010145 01010101010101030101010101010145 42010101010101030101202001014146 002C01010101010301010101012C4500 00422C0101010103010101012C414600 00004201414343034143434343460000 00000002020202020202020244000000 00000042434343434343434346000000 Enemy Data: 0x121DC 0B C0 0A 05 00 53 91 00 02 EF 20 08 0B 03 02 AA FF FF 00 54 A2 FF 02 EF FF 44 A6 A8 01 4A AC 01 FF 01 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 53 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 30, Y: 50). 91 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 10, Y: 90). 00 - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down; begins facing up anyway). EF - 20 - 08 - 0B - 03 - 02 - AA - Max #1 starting position (X: A0, Y: A0). FF - Max #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 00 - Max #1 direction (up). 54 - Max #2 starting position (X: 40, Y: 50). A2 - Max #2 Base Rock position (X: 20, Y: A0). FF - 02 - Max #2 direction (down; begins facing up anyway). EF - FF - 44 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 40, Y: 40). A6 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 60, Y: A0). A8 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 80, Y: A0). 01 - 4A - Kickle starting position (X: A0, Y: 40). AC - Ice cube/Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: A0). 01 - Tile under ice cube #1 (01 - Land). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #2 - No Base Rock. 01 - Tile under ice cube #2 (01 - Land). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 07 - Fruit Land D Level Data: 0x14A73 00000000000001440000000000000000 00000000000101074400000000000000 00000000010101070744000000000000 00000001010141070707440000014400 00000101014146420741460001010144 000101214146000A4146002101014146 0101214146000A410A44210101410344 420101214400420A4121010141034146 03410101014400420101014103414600 42034101010144010101410341460000 00420341010101010141034146000000 00004203410101014103414600000000 00000042034101410341460000000000 00000000424642464246000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x121FE FF C6 60 06 01 4D FF - C6 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 60, Y: C0). 60 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 00, Y: 60). 06 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 60, Y: 00). 01 - 4D - Kickle starting position (X: D0, Y: 40). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 08 - Fruit Land I Level Data: 0x135F2 00000000000000000000032C03440000 00000000000000000003020202034400 00000000000000000302020202020344 00000000000000004243434343434346 030303032C0303030301020202010344 03310101010101020101020202300345 03310101010101020101020202300345 03310101010101020101020202300345 03030303030303030301020202010345 42434343434343434343434343434346 00000000000000000301012501010344 00000000000000004203010101034146 00000000000000000042030303414600 00000000000000000000424343460000 Enemy Data: 0x12204 0B C0 0A 05 00 55 44 00 01 75 44 00 01 EF 1E 08 0D 11 02 FF 0B 00 00 EF FF 53 73 2B 01 6B 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 55 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: 50). 44 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: 40). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). 75 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 50, Y: 70). 44 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: 40). 00 - 01 - Noggles #2 direction (right). EF - 1E - 08 - 0D - 11 - 02 - FF - Sparky #1 - No starting position. 0B - Sparky #1 Base Rock position (X: B0, Y: 00). 00 - 00 - Sparky #1 direction (up). EF - FF - 53 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 30, Y: 50). 73 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 30, Y: 70). 2B - Dream Bag #3 (X: B0, Y: 20). 01 - 6B - Kickle starting position (X: B0, Y: 60). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 09 - Fruit Land L Level Data: 0x151AB 00000003030303034400000000000000 00000301010101010344000000000000 00030101010101010103440000000000 03010707010101070701034400000000 03010101010101010101034500000000 0301012C0101012C01010345032C0344 03010101010101010101034502020245 03010101010301010101034502020245 42030101010101010103414602020245 00420303010101030341460042434346 02020202101815020202020210181544 42434343111C164143434343111C1645 00000000121417450000000012141745 00000000424343460000000042434346 Enemy Data: 0x12222 0B C0 0A 05 00 62 53 00 00 65 53 00 00 68 57 00 00 FF 53 00 03 FF 57 00 03 EF 1E 08 0D 11 02 FF 5D 00 02 EF FF 7C 7D 7E 01 A9 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 62 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 20, Y: 60). 53 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 50). 00 - 00 - Noggles #1 direction (up). 65 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 50, Y: 60). 53 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 50). 00 - 00 - Noggles #2 direction (up). 68 - Noggles #3 starting position (X: 80, Y: 60). 57 - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 50). 00 - 00 - Noggles #3 direction (up). FF - Noggles #4 - No starting position. 53 - Noggles #4 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 50). 00 - 03 - Noggles #4 direction (left). FF - Noggles #5 - No starting position. 57 - Noggles #5 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 50). 00 - 03 - Noggles #5 direction (left). EF - 1E - 08 - 0D - 11 - 02 - FF - Sparky #1 - No starting position. 5D - Sparky #1 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: 50). 00 - 02 - Sparky #1 direction (down). EF - FF - 7C - Dream Bag #1 (X: C0, Y: 70). 7D - Dream Bag #2 (X: D0, Y: 70). 7E - Dream Bag #3 (X: E0, Y: 70). 01 - A9 - Kickle starting position (X: 90, Y: A0). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 0B - Cake Land M Level Data: 0x14E23 000000000003072C0703440000000000 00000000030301010103034400000000 00000003030301010103030344000000 00000303030301410103030303440000 000303030303012C0103030303034400 07010120012001010121012101010744 2C010141432C0101012C414301012C45 07010121012101010120012001010745 420303030303012C0103030303034146 00420303030301410103030303414600 00004203030301010103030341460000 00000042030301010103034146000000 000000004203072C0703414600000000 00000000004243434343460000000000 Enemy Data: 0x1224C 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF FF FF 01 EF 1E 88 0D 11 02 54 FF 00 02 74 60 00 02 5A 6E 00 02 7A FF 00 02 EF FF 17 61 6D 01 67 65 01 47 01 87 01 69 01 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - FF - FF - 01 - EF - 1E - 88 - 0D - 11 - 02 - 54 - Sparky #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 50). FF - Sparky #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Sparky #1 direction (down). 74 - Sparky #2 starting position (X: 40, Y: 70). 60 - Sparky #2 Base Rock position (X: 00, Y: 60). 00 - 02 - Sparky #2 direction (down). 5A - Sparky #3 starting position (X: A0, Y: 50). 6E - Sparky #3 Base Rock position (X: E0, Y: 60). 00 - 02 - Sparky #3 direction (down). 7A - Sparky #4 starting position (X: A0, Y: 70). FF - Sparky #4 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Sparky #4 direction (down). EF - FF - 17 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 70, Y: 10). 61 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 10, Y: 60). 6D - Dream Bag #3 (X: D0, Y: 60). 01 - 67 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 60). 65 - Ice cube/Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 60). 01 - Tile under ice cube #1 (01 - Land). 47 - Ice cube/Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 40). 01 - Tile under ice cube #2 (01 - Land). 87 - Ice cube/Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 80). 01 - Tile under ice cube #3 (01 - Land). 69 - Ice cube/Noggles #4 Base Rock position (X: 90, Y: 60). 01 - Tile under ice cube #4 (01 - Land). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 0C - Cake Land A Level Data: 0x1410C 310101010104012C0104010101013044 04030103040301030103010301030445 31010101010101410104010141013045 04030103010304030103040301030445 310101042C04010101012C0401013045 04030103040301030103040301030445 31010101010407010104010101073045 04030103040301030403010307030445 310101042C0101040104010701013045 04030103040301030103010307030445 31010104010141010101410101073045 04030103010304030103010301030445 3101010401012C040101010401013045 42434343434343434343434343434346 Enemy Data: 0x1227A 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF 44 00 00 FF 84 00 00 FF C6 00 00 FF 07 00 00 FF 4A 00 00 EF FF 12 1C A7 01 62 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. 44 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: 40). 00 - 00 - Noggles #1 direction (up). FF - Noggles #2 - No starting position. 84 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: 80). 00 - 00 - Noggles #2 direction (up). FF - Noggles #3 - No starting position. C6 - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: 60, Y: C0). 00 - 00 - Noggles #3 direction (up). FF - Noggles #4 - No starting position. 07 - Noggles #4 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 00). 00 - 00 - Noggles #4 direction (up). FF - Noggles #5 - No starting position. 4A - Noggles #5 Base Rock position (X: A0, Y: 40). 00 - 00 - Noggles #5 direction (up). EF - FF - 12 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 20, Y: 10). 1C - Dream Bag #2 (X: C0, Y: 10). A7 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 70, Y: A0). 01 - 62 - Kickle starting position (X: 20, Y: 60). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 0D - Cake Land D Level Data: 0x14C4E 032C03440000000000000000032C0344 01010103030303030303030301010145 010101030A0202020202022001010145 01010103030303020303030301010145 01010103414343034143430301010145 01010103450000424600000301010145 01010102030344000003034101010145 01010102020203030302024501010145 01010103020202020202020301010145 03070102020302020203024101070345 42030302020202030202024503034146 00424303030202020202030341434600 00000042430303030303414346000000 00000000004243434343460000000000 Enemy Data: 0x1229A 0B C0 0A 05 00 41 01 FF 02 4D 0D FF 02 EF 0D 88 0E 0D 02 11 FF FF 02 1D FF FF 02 EF FF 71 37 7D 01 B7 FF 02 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 41 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 10, Y: 40). 01 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 10, Y: 00). FF - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). 4D - Noggles #2 starting position (X: D0, Y: 40). 0D - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: 00). FF - 02 - Noggles #2 direction (down). EF - 0D - 88 - 0E - 0D - 02 - 11 - Mr. Hoople #1 starting position (X: 10, Y: 10). FF - Mr. Hoople #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 02 - Mr. Hoople #1 direction (down). 1D - Mr. Hoople #2 starting position (X: D0, Y: 10). FF - Mr. Hoople #2 - No Base Rock position. FF - 02 - Mr. Hoople #2 direction (down). EF - FF - 71 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 10, Y: 70). 37 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 30). 7D - Dream Bag #3 (X: D0, Y: 70). 01 - B7 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: B0). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #1 - No Base Rock position. 02 - Tile under ice cube #1 (02 - Slippery Ice). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 0E - Cake Land K Level Data: 0x13923 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 03030303030303030303030303030344 31040404020202020402020202043045 31040404020404020402040402043045 31012004020404020402040402043045 31012004020404020402040402043045 31012004020404020202040402043045 31040404020404040204040402043045 31040404020202040204022002043045 03030303030303030303030303030345 42434343434343434343434343434346 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x122BE 20 08 0B 03 03 71 FF FF 01 EF 23 70 0A 11 02 9A FF FF 01 EF 0B 00 0A 05 00 FF FF FF 01 EF FF 34 3C 9C 01 96 FF 04 FF 04 FF 04 FF 02 20 - 08 - 0B - 03 - 03 - 71 - Max #1 starting position (X: 10, Y: 70). FF - Max #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 01 - Max #1 direction (right). EF - 23 - 70 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 9A - Spiny #1 starting position (X: A0, Y: 90). FF - Spiny #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 01 - Spiny #1 direction (right). EF - 0B - 00 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. FF - Noggles #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). EF - FF - 34 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 40, Y: 30). 3C - Dream Bag #2 (X: C0, Y: 30). 9C - Dream Bag #3 (X: C0, Y: 90). 01 - 96 - Kickle starting position (X: 60, Y: 90). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #1 - No Base Rock position. 04 - Tile under ice cube #1 (04 - Water Hole). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #2 - No Base Rock position. 04 - Tile under ice cube #2 (04 - Water Hole). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #3 - No Base Rock position. 04 - Tile under ice cube #3 (04 - Water Hole). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #4 - No Base Rock position. 02 - Tile under ice cube #4 (02 - Slippery Ice). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 0F - Fruit Land O Level Data: 0x15CBF 00000000002C4400002C440000000000 00000000030103440301034400000000 00000003010107030701010344000000 00000301010101030101010103440000 00030101010101030101010101034400 03030303030301030103030303030344 42434343434343434343434343434346 0303032C030302020203030303030344 31010101010210181502020202023045 423101010102111C1602020202304146 00423101010212141702020230414600 00004231010202020202023041460000 00000042030303030303034146000000 00000000424343434343434600000000 Enemy Data: 0x122EA 0B C0 0A 05 00 93 73 FF 01 EF 25 08 09 07 02 15 05 00 02 19 09 00 02 EF FF 35 39 9A 01 A7 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 93 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 30, Y: 90). 73 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 70). FF - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). EF - 25 - 08 - 09 - 07 - 02 - 15 - Bonkers #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: 10). 05 - Bonkers #1 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 00). 00 - 02 - Bonkers #1 direction (down). 19 - Bonkers #2 starting position (X: 90, Y: 10). 09 - Bonkers #2 Base Rock position (X: 90, Y: 00). 00 - 02 - Bonkers #2 direction (down). EF - FF - 35 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 50, Y: 30). 39 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 90, Y: 30). 9A - Dream Bag #3 (X: A0, Y: 90). 01 - A7 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: A0). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 10 - Cake Land E Level Data: 0x136DE 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000303030344 00000000000000000000030101010345 00000000000000000003010125010345 00000000000000000301010101010345 00000000000000004243434343434346 00000303032C03030303030101030344 00030101010101010202010101020245 03010101010101010202030103020245 03010101010101010202033203020245 03010101010101010202030303020245 42030101010101010202024102020245 00420303030303030303034503030345 00004243434343434343434642434346 Enemy Data: 0x12308 0B C0 0A 05 00 83 65 00 00 A3 65 00 02 84 65 00 00 A4 65 00 02 85 65 00 00 A5 65 00 02 86 65 00 00 A6 65 00 02 EF 23 40 0A 11 03 2C 90 FF 03 EF FF 49 3A 4A 01 99 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 83 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 30, Y: 80). 65 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 60). 00 - 00 - Noggles #1 direction (up). A3 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 30, Y: A0). 65 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 60). 00 - 02 - Noggles #2 direction (down). 84 - Noggles #3 starting position (X: 40, Y: 80). 65 - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 60). 00 - 00 - Noggles #3 direction (up). A4 - Noggles #4 starting position (X: 40, Y: A0). 65 - Noggles #4 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 60). 00 - 02 - Noggles #4 direction (down). 85 - Noggles #5 starting position (X: 50, Y: 80). 65 - Noggles #5 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 60). 00 - 00 - Noggles #5 direction (up). A5 - Noggles #6 starting position (X: 50, Y: A0). 65 - Noggles #6 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 60). 00 - 02 - Noggles #6 direction (down). 86 - Noggles #7 starting position (X: 60, Y: 80). 65 - Noggles #7 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 60). 00 - 00 - Noggles #7 direction (up). A6 - Noggles #8 starting position (X: 60, Y: A0). 65 - Noggles #8 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 60). 00 - 02 - Noggles #8 direction (down). EF - 23 - 40 - 0A - 11 - 03 - 2C - Spiny #1 starting position (X: C0, Y: 20). 90 - Spiny #1 Base Rock position (X: 00, Y: 90). (?!) FF - 03 - Spiny #1 direction (left). EF - FF - 49 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 90, Y: 40). 3A - Dream Bag #2 (X: A0, Y: 30). 4A - Dream Bag #3 (X: A0, Y: 40). 01 - 99 - Kickle starting position (X: 90, Y: 90). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 11 - Cake Land G Level Data: 0x14CEB 00000000000000000000000000000000 0000032C034400000000000000000000 00030101034500000000000000000000 31010101034500000033443344000344 31010101034500000002450245000145 31010101034500000002450245000145 31010101204502020202030203440145 31010101034542434302410241460145 31010101034531020202020203440145 31010101034542434303410241460145 42030707034531020202020202450145 00420303034542434303410341460345 00004243434600000042464246004246 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x1233E 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF 13 00 01 EF 1A 08 0F 03 02 4E FF 00 02 EF FF 5E 7E 9E 01 62 13 01 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. 13 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 10). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). EF - 1A - 08 - 0F - 03 - 02 - 4E - Rooker #1 starting position (X: E0, Y: 40). FF - Rooker #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Rooker #1 direction (down). EF - FF - 5E - Dream Bag #1 (X: E0, Y: 50). 7E - Dream Bag #2 (X: E0, Y: 70). 9E - Dream Bag #3 (X: E0, Y: 90). 01 - 62 - Kickle starting position (X: 20, Y: 60). 13 - Ice cube/Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 10). 01 - Tile under ice cube #1 (01 - Land). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 12 - Cake Land N Level Data: 0x15BAD 02020302020202020302020202020244 02020202020207023302020202020245 02020202020202020202040402020245 020202040402020404042C0402020245 020202042C0404040101010402020245 03310204010101040103010402020245 02020204010301040120010402020245 02070204010101040404040402300345 02020204040404040202020202020245 02020202020202020202020202020245 020202022C0102030202020202020245 02020202020202414343434302020245 02020202020202450101014402020245 42434343434343464243434642434346 Enemy Data: 0x1235A 20 08 0B 03 02 64 44 FF 00 5A 3A FF 02 EF 20 88 0B 03 02 17 A4 FF 02 EF 0B C0 0A 05 00 A5 A4 FF 02 EF FF C8 C9 CA 01 99 FF 01 20 - 08 - 0B - 03 - 02 - 64 - Max #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 60). 44 - Max #1 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: 40). FF - 00 - Max #1 direction (up). 5A - Max #2 starting position (X: A0, Y: 50). 3A - Max #2 Base Rock position (X: A0, Y: 30). FF - 02 - Max #2 direction (down). EF - 20 - 88 - 0B - 03 - 02 - 17 - Max #3 starting position (X: 70, Y: 10). A4 - Max #3 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: A0). FF - 02 - Max #3 direction (down). EF - 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - A5 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: A0). A4 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: A0). FF - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). EF - FF - C8 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 80, Y: C0). C9 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 90, Y: C0). CA - Dream Bag #3 (X: A0, Y: C0). 01 - 99 - Kickle starting position (X: 90, Y: 90). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #1 - No Base Rock position. 01 - Tile under ice cube #1 (01 - Land). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 13 - Special Game 15 Level Data: 0x158FB 00000000000033440244024400000000 00000000000002450245024500000000 00000000000002021013154500000000 00000000000002411B1F164500000000 31020202020202021214170202023044 42434343434302410241024143434346 31020202020210131502020202023044 424302412C41111E1641024143434346 310202020102121A1702020202020244 42434343434302410241024143434346 00000000000002450245024500000000 00000000000002450245424600000000 00000000000032450245024400000000 00000000000042464246424600000000 Enemy Data: 0x12384 0B C0 0A 05 00 84 74 FF 02 EF FF 08 0A CA 01 72 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 84 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 80). 74 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: 70). FF - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). EF - FF - 08 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 80, Y: 00). 0A - Dream Bag #2 (X: A0, Y: 00). CA - Dream Bag #3 (X: A0, Y: C0). 01 - 72 - Kickle starting position (X:20, Y: 70). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 15 - Special Game 04 Level Data: 0x14EBC 10131544000000000000000010131544 111E164500000000000000001B1F1645 121A1702020202020202020212141745 42430202020202020202020202414346 10131502070230030202010210131544 111D19020702030303022C02111D1945 12141703414303010341430312141745 42434343020203410302024143434346 00030302020202020202020203034400 03310202020202020202010202300344 42020202020202020202010202024146 00420202020202020202010202414600 000042022C02020202022C0241460000 00000042434343434343434346000000 Enemy Data: 0x12394 0B C0 0A 05 00 4A 5A 00 01 FF CA 00 03 FF CA 00 03 FF CA 00 03 EF 18 08 0C 0B 02 84 C4 FF 02 8A C4 FF 02 EF FF 67 97 A7 01 37 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 4A - Noggles #1 starting position (X: A0, Y: 40). 5A - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: A0, Y: 50). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). FF - Noggles #2 - No starting position. CA - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: A0, Y: C0). 00 - 03 - Noggles #2 direction (left). FF - Noggles #3 - No starting position. CA - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: A0, Y: C0). 00 - 03 - Noggles #3 direction (left). FF - Noggles #4 - No starting position. CA - Noggles #4 Base Rock position (X: A0, Y: C0). 00 - 03 - Noggles #4 direction (left). EF - 18 - 08 - 0C - 0B - 02 - 84 - Rocky #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 80). C4 - Rocky #1 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: C0). FF - 02 - Rocky #1 direction (down). 8A - Rocky #2 starting position (X: A0, Y: 80). C4 - Rocky #2 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: C0). FF - 02 - Rocky #2 direction (down). EF - FF - 67 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 70, Y: 60). 97 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 90). A7 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 70, Y: A0). 01 - 37 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 30). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 16 - Toy Land K Level Data: 0x13292 03030303030303030303030103030344 03033333333333333333334133030345 03310701010101010101010507300345 03310101010101010101010101300345 03310101012C0120012C010101300345 03310101010120012001010101300345 03310101010101010101010101300345 03310101010120012001010101300345 03310101012C0120012C010101300345 03310101010101010101010101300345 03310705010101010101010107300345 03033241323232323232323232030345 03030301030303030303030303030345 42434343434343434343434343434346 Enemy Data: 0x123BE 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF FF 00 01 EF 20 08 0B 03 02 54 45 00 01 7A 89 00 03 EF FF 0B C3 67 01 A7 49 01 45 01 49 01 85 01 89 01 85 01 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. FF - Noggles #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). EF - 20 - 08 - 0B - 03 - 02 - 54 - Max #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 50). 45 - Max #1 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 40). 00 - 01 - Max #1 direction (right). 7A - Max #2 starting position (X: A0, Y: 70). 89 - Max #2 Base Rock position (X: 90, Y: 80). 00 - 03 - Max #2 direction (left). EF - FF - 0B - Dream Bag #1 (X: B0, Y: 00). C3 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 30, Y: C0). 67 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 70, Y: 60). 01 - A7 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: A0). 49 - Ice cube/Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 90, Y: 40). 01 - Tile under ice cube #1 (01 - Land). 45 - Ice cube/Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 40). 01 - Tile under ice cube #2 (01 - Land). 49 - Ice cube/Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: 90, Y: 40). 01 - Tile under ice cube #3 (01 - Land). 85 - Ice cube/Noggles #4 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 80). 01 - Tile under ice cube #4 (01 - Land). 89 - Ice cube/Noggles #5 Base Rock position (X: 90, Y: 80). 01 - Tile under ice cube #5 (01 - Land). 85 - Ice cube/Noggles #6 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 80). 01 - Tile under ice cube #6 (01 - Land). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 17 - Special Game 08 Level Data: 0x15985 10131503030303030303030310131544 111D19030303030303030303111E1645 121417020202020202020202121A1745 03030203030303030303030302030345 03030203070101010101070302030345 03030203010101010101012102030345 0303022C010101010101010341020245 03030203010101010101010303030345 03030203070101010101070333030345 03030203040404040404040302030345 10181502020202020202020210181545 111C16030303032C03030303111C1645 12141703030303030303030312141745 42434343434343434343434343434346 Enemy Data: 0x123E8 0B C0 0A 05 00 55 63 00 01 75 63 00 01 EF 25 08 09 07 02 92 B7 00 00 27 B7 00 01 A7 B7 00 03 3C B7 00 02 EF FF 65 6D 6E 01 69 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 55 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: 50). 63 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 60). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). 75 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 50, Y: 70). 63 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 60). 00 - 01 - Noggles #2 direction (right). EF - 25 - 08 - 09 - 07 - 02 - 92 - Bonkers #1 starting position (X: 20, Y: 90). B7 - Bonkers #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: B0). 00 - 00 - Bonkers #1 direction (up). 27 - Bonkers #2 starting position (X: 70, Y: 20). B7 - Bonkers #2 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: B0). 00 - 01 - Bonkers #2 direction (right). A7 - Bonkers #3 starting position (X: 70, Y: A0). B7 - Bonkers #3 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: B0). 00 - 03 - Bonkers #3 direction (left). 3C - Bonkers #4 starting position (X: C0, Y: 30). B7 - Bonkers #4 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: B0). 00 - 02 - Bonkers #4 direction (down). EF - FF - 65 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 50, Y: 60). 6D - Dream Bag #2 (X: D0, Y: 60). 6E - Dream Bag #3 (X: E0, Y: 60). 01 - 69 - Kickle starting position (X: 90, Y: 60). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 18 - Toy Land E Level Data: 0x14289 00010101012104010121010101014400 00010303030203030302030303014500 00010302020203020302030202014500 00010302020203020302030202014500 00010302020203020302030202014500 00010303030203020302030303214500 00010202030203020302020203014500 00010202030203020302020203014500 00010202030203020302020203014500 00010303030203030302030303014500 00010101042101010121040101014500 00214143434343434343434343214500 01010144000000000000000001010144 42434346000000000000000042434346 Enemy Data: 0x12412 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF FF FF 03 EF 23 20 0A 11 02 55 FF FF 00 0B FF FF 01 EF 23 60 0A 11 02 03 FF FF 03 59 FF FF 00 AB FF FF 01 EF FF 34 3C CD 01 C1 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. FF - Noggles #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 03 - Noggles #1 direction (left). EF - 23 - 20 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 55 - Spiny #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: 50). FF - Spiny #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 00 - Spiny #1 direction (up). 0B - Spiny #2 starting position (X: B0, Y: 00). FF - Spiny #2 - No Base Rock position. FF - 01 - Spiny #2 direction (right). EF - 23 - 60 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 03 - Spiny #3 starting position (X: 30, Y: 00). FF - Spiny #3 - No Base Rock position. FF - 03 - Spiny #3 direction (left). 59 - Spiny #4 starting position (X: 90, Y: 50). FF - Spiny #4 - No Base Rock position. FF - 00 - Spiny #4 direction (up). AB - Spiny #5 starting position (X: B0, Y: A0). FF - Spiny #5 - No Base Rock position. FF - 01 - Spiny #5 direction (right). EF - FF - 34 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 40, Y: 30). 3C - Dream Bag #2 (X: C0, Y: 30). CD - Dream Bag #3 (X: D0, Y: C0). 01 - C1 - Kickle starting position (X: 10, Y: C0). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 19 - Special Game 06 Level Data: 0x146A0 2C0101010101012C0101010101012C44 01010101030101010103010301010145 01010101010101010101010101010145 03311018150302030302030202300345 0331111C160202020202330202300345 03311214170202020202020202300345 03310202020202101815070202300345 03310202020202111C16020202300345 03310202020202121417020202300345 03310202070202020202101815300345 03310202020303020303111C16300345 03310202320341434303121417300345 03310202030345024403020202300345 42434343434346424642434343434346 Enemy Data: 0x12442 0B C0 0A 05 00 17 07 00 02 EF 1A 08 0F 03 02 12 00 FF 02 1C 0E FF 02 EF FF 74 7A C7 01 87 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 17 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 10). 07 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 00). 00 - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). EF - 1A - 08 - 0F - 03 - 02 - 12 - Rooker #1 starting position (X: 20, Y: 10). 00 - Rooker #1 Base Rock position (X: 00, Y: 00). FF - 02 - Rooker #1 direction (down). 1C - Rooker #2 starting position (X: C0, Y: 10). 0E - Rooker #2 Base Rock position (X: E0, Y: 00). FF - 02 - Rooker #2 direction (down). EF - FF - 74 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 40, Y: 70). 7A - Dream Bag #2 (X: A0, Y: 70). C7 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 70, Y: C0). 01 - 87 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 80). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1B - Special Game 20 Level Data: 0x14FEB 00000000000002020244000002020244 31010101010410131502020210131545 310101010101111E160202021B1F1645 310101010104121A1702020212141745 2C0303032C03040204040404042C0445 01010103030302020202024102020245 07010101014102020302024502020245 07010101014503020202024502020245 01010101014502020202034502020245 03030303030302040404040404040445 42434343431013150202020210181545 0000000000111D1902020202111C1645 00000000001214170202020212141745 00000000004243434343434343434346 Enemy Data: 0x12460 0B C0 0A 05 00 21 44 00 01 61 40 00 01 71 40 00 01 EF 1E C8 0D 11 02 FF 4D 00 01 EF FF BA 6D 7D 01 2A 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 21 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 10, Y: 20). 44 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: 40). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). 61 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 10, Y: 60). 40 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 00, Y: 40). 00 - 01 - Noggles #2 direction (right). 71 - Noggles #3 starting position (X: 10, Y: 70). 40 - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: 00, Y: 40). 00 - 01 - Noggles #3 direction (right). EF - 1E - C8 - 0D - 11 - 02 - FF - Sparky #1 - No starting position. 4D - Sparky #1 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: 40). 00 - 01 - Sparky #1 direction (right). EF - FF - BA - Dream Bag #1 (X: A0, Y: B0). 6D - Dream Bag #2 (X: D0, Y: 60). 7D - Dream Bag #3 (X: D0, Y: 70). 01 - 2A - Kickle starting position (X: A0, Y: 20). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1C - Garden Land J Level Data: 0x15758 00000003440000034400000344000000 00000042010101410101014146000000 00000007010101450101010744000000 00000042010101450101014146000000 00000000424343464243434600000000 00000101010101010101010101440000 002C01010101010101010101012C4400 00034101010101010101010141034500 00034542010101010101014146034500 00034500010101010101014500034500 00420344420101010101414603414600 00004246030301010103034442460000 00000003030303410303030344000000 00000042434343464242424246000000 Enemy Data: 0x12482 0B C0 0A 05 00 64 61 00 01 6A 6D 00 03 EF 23 00 0A 11 02 15 FF FF 03 EF 23 40 0A 11 02 19 FF FF 01 EF FF 25 67 29 01 97 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 64 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 60). 61 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 10, Y: 60). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). 6A - Noggles #2 starting position (X: A0, Y: 60). 6D - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: 60). 00 - 03 - Noggles #2 direction (left). EF - 23 - 00 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 15 - Spiny #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: 10). FF - Spiny #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 03 - Spiny #1 direction (left). EF - 23 - 40 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 19 - Spiny #2 starting position (X: 90, Y: 10). FF - Spiny #2 - No Base Rock position. FF - 01 - Spiny #2 direction (right). EF - FF - 25 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 50, Y: 20). 67 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 60). 29 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 90, Y: 20). 01 - 97 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1D - Special Game 09 Level Data: 0x13192 02021013150202020202101315020244 02021B1F1602020202021B1F16020245 31021214170202020202121417020245 02030202020202020202020202020245 02020202020202020202101815020245 02020202020202020202111C16020245 03021013150202020203121417020245 0202111E160202030202020202020245 0202121A170202020202020202020245 02020202020202020202020202020245 02030202020202020202020202020245 0202020203022C012C41434343434346 02020202020202020245020202024400 42434343434343434346424343434600 Enemy Data: 0x124AA 0B C0 0A 05 00 B7 B6 FF 01 EF 0D 08 0E 0D 02 35 B8 FF 02 39 B8 FF 02 EF FF 57 CB CC 01 97 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - B7 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: B0). B6 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 60, Y: B0). FF - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). EF - 0D - 08 - 0E - 0D - 02 - 35 - Mr. Hoople #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: 30). B8 - Mr. Hoople #1 Base Rock position (X: 80, Y: B0). FF - 02 - Mr. Hoople #1 direction (down). 39 - Mr. Hoople #2 starting position (X: 90, Y: 30). B8 - Mr. Hoople #2 Base Rock position (X: 80, Y: B0). FF - 02 - Mr. Hoople #2 direction (down). EF - FF - 57 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 70, Y: 50). CB - Dream Bag #2 (X: B0, Y: C0). CC - Dream Bag #3 (X: C0, Y: C0). 01 - 97 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1F - Special Game 10 Level Data: 0x1548B 00000000000000000000000000000000 03032C03030333030303030303030344 03010101030307030703030101010345 03010101030301010101030101012C45 03010101030101030103030101010345 03034103030101030103030103030345 31020102010201020101010201023045 03030103030101030103010103030345 03010101030301030101030101010345 03010101010101010403030101010345 03010101030307030701030101010345 03030303030303033203030303030345 42434343434343434343434343434346 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x124C8 0B C0 0A 05 00 3C 3E FF 00 EF 2D 08 13 09 02 FF 12 00 03 FF 12 00 03 EF FF 31 32 33 01 9C 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 3C - Noggles #1 starting position (X: C0, Y: 30). 3E - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: E0, Y: 30). FF - 00 - Noggles #1 direction (up). EF - 2D - 08 - 13 - 09 - 02 - FF - Myrtle #1 - No starting position. 12 - Myrtle #1 Base Rock position (X: 20, Y: 10). 00 - 03 - Myrtle #1 direction (left). FF - Myrtle #2 - No starting position. 12 - Myrtle #2 Base Rock position (X: 20, Y: 10). 00 - 03 - Myrtle #2 direction (left). EF - FF - 31 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 10, Y: 30). 32 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 20, Y: 30). 33 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 30, Y: 30). 01 - 9C - Kickle starting position (X: C0, Y: 90). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 20 - Toy Land J Level Data: 0x14747 04040404040404040404440000000000 02020202020210131504450000000000 020202101315111E160402022C030344 101315111E16121A1704020201023045 111E16121A1702020204020201023045 121A1702020202020204020201023045 0404040404040404040407022C030345 02210241020241020207020741434346 04040404040404040404070245020244 10131510131510131504020245020245 111D19111D19111D1904020245020245 12141712141712141704414346424346 04040404040404040404450000000000 42434343434343434343460000000000 Enemy Data: 0x124E6 0B C0 0A 05 00 3C 2C FF 03 4C 2C FF 03 5C 2C FF 03 FF 2C 00 03 FF 2C 00 03 EF 23 50 0A 11 03 8D 2B FF 01 AE 2B FF 03 EF FF 9D 9E 70 01 7A 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 3C - Noggles #1 starting position (X: C0, Y: 30). 2C - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: 20). FF - 03 - Noggles #1 direction (left). 4C - Noggles #2 starting position (X: C0, Y: 40). 2C - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: 20). FF - 03 - Noggles #2 direction (left). 5C - Noggles #3 starting position (X: C0, Y: 50). 2C - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: 20). FF - 03 - Noggles #3 direction (left). FF - Noggles #4 - No starting position. 2C - Noggles #4 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: 20). 00 - 03 - Noggles #4 direction (left). FF - Noggles #5 - No starting position. 2C - Noggles #5 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: 20). 00 - 03 - Noggles #5 direction (left). EF - 23 - 50 - 0A - 11 - 03 - 8D - Spiny #1 starting position (X: D0, Y: 80). 2B - Spiny #1 Base Rock position (X: B0, Y: 20). FF - 01 - Spiny #1 direction (right). AE - Spiny #2 starting position (X: E0, Y: A0). 2B - Spiny #2 Base Rock position (X: B0, Y: 20). FF - 03 - Spiny #2 direction (left). EF - FF - 9D - Dream Bag #1 (X: D0, Y: 90). 9E - Dream Bag #2 (X: E0, Y: 90). 70 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 00, Y: 70). 01 - 7A - Kickle starting position (X: A0, Y: 70). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 21 - Special Game 05 Level Data: 0x14930 024402020202022C0202020202442544 42020202020202020202020202024146 02020202020202020202020202020244 04040401010101010101010104040445 03010401020202020202020104010345 01010401020202020202020104010145 01040401020404040404020104040145 0104040102042C032C04020104040145 01040401020401010104020104040145 01010401020404030404020104010145 2C030301020202020202020103032C45 42020201024143434343020102024146 00420201024501010144020102414600 00004243434642434346424343460000 Enemy Data: 0x12514 0B C0 0A 05 00 86 76 FF 01 EF 20 88 0B 03 02 60 A0 00 02 88 78 00 02 6E AE 00 02 17 07 00 02 EF FF C6 C7 C8 01 57 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 86 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 60, Y: 80). 76 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 60, Y: 70). FF - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). EF - 20 - 88 - 0B - 03 - 02 - 60 - Max #1 starting position (X: 00, Y: 60). A0 - Max #1 Base Rock position (X: 00, Y: A0). 00 - 02 - Max #1 direction (down). 88 - Max #2 starting position (X: 80, Y: 80). 78 - Max #2 Base Rock position (X: 80, Y: 70). 00 - 02 - Max #2 direction (down; immediately turns left due to Water Hole). 6E - Max #3 starting position (X: E0, Y: 60). AE - Max #3 Base Rock position (X: E0, Y: A0). 00 - 02 - Max #3 direction (down). 17 - Max #4 starting position (X: 70, Y: 10). 07 - Max #4 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 00). 00 - 02 - Max #4 direction (down). EF - FF - C6 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 60, Y: C0). C7 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: C0). C8 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 80, Y: C0). 01 - 57 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 50). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 22 - Special Game 23 Level Data: 0x15081 10181502020202020202020210181544 111C160202022C0202020202111C1645 12141702020202020202020212141745 02021018151018150202020202020245 0202111C16111C160202101815020245 02021214171214170202111C16020245 02020202020202020202121417020245 10181502020202020202020202020245 111C1602020202020202020202020245 12141702021018150202021018150245 0202020202111C16022802111C160245 0202022C011214174143431214170245 02020202020202280202022802020245 42434343434343434343434343434346 Enemy Data: 0x1253A 0B C0 0A 05 00 B4 B3 00 03 EF 2D 08 13 09 02 51 16 00 02 5D 16 00 02 EF FF C8 C9 CA 01 67 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - B4 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: B0). B3 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: B0). 00 - 03 - Noggles #1 direction (left). EF - 2D - 08 - 13 - 09 - 02 - 51 - Myrtle #1 starting position (X: 10, Y: 50). 16 - Myrtle #1 Base Rock position (X: 60, Y: 10). 00 - 02 - Myrtle #1 direction (down). 5D - Myrtle #2 starting position (X: D0, Y: 50). 16 - Myrtle #2 Base Rock position (X: 60, Y: 10). 00 - 02 - Myrtle #2 direction (down). EF - FF - C8 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 80, Y: C0). C9 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 90, Y: C0). CA - Dream Bag #3 (X: A0, Y: C0). 01 - 67 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 60). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 25 - Garden Land H Level Data: 0x156CB 00000000000000000000000000000000 00024402440000000000000244024400 00024502450000000000000245024500 00024502450000000000000245024500 00020202452C4400002C440202024500 00420241460145000001454202414600 00004202440101010101450241460000 00000042010101010101014146000000 00020202010101010101010202024400 02414343010101010101014143430244 42460202410101010101410202444246 00024143464243434343464243024400 00424600000000000000000000424600 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12558 0B C0 0A 05 00 75 45 00 02 79 49 00 02 EF FF 11 B1 9E 01 A7 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 75 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: 70). 45 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 40). 00 - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). 79 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 90, Y: 70). 49 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 90, Y: 40). 00 - 02 - Noggles #2 direction (down). EF - FF - 11 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 10, Y: 10). B1 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 10, Y: B0). 9E - Dream Bag #3 (X: E0, Y: 90). 01 - A7 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, A: A0). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 26 - Special Game 29 Level Data: 0x13A07 02020202020207020202020207020244 02020207020202020202020202020245 07020202020202020702020202020245 02020202020202020202020202070245 02070207020202020202020202020245 02020202020702010202070202070245 020202020202022C0202020202020245 02020702020202020202020702020745 07020202020702020202020202020245 02020702020202020207020202020245 07020202020202020202020702020245 02020202070207020702020203410345 02020702020202020202020703020245 42434343434343434343434343434346 Enemy Data: 0x1256C 0B C0 0A 05 00 57 67 FF 00 EF 2B 08 12 11 02 97 67 FF 00 EF FF 22 2C CD 01 37 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 57 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 50). 67 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 60). FF - 00 - Noggles #1 direction (up). EF - 2B - 08 - 12 - 11 - 02 - 97 - Equalizer #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). 67 - Equalizer #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 60). FF - 00 - Equalizer #1 direction (up). EF - FF - 22 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 20, Y: 20). 2C - Dream Bag #2 (X: C0, Y: 20). CD - Dream Bag #3 (X: D0, Y: C0). 01 - 37 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 30). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 29 - Special Game 17 Level Data: 0x143F1 00000000000202020202440000000000 00000000004243024143460000000000 000000032A2A2A412A2A2A0344000000 0000022C010101010104012C02440000 00020241010401040104014102024400 0002290401040104010401042B024500 0002290401040101010401042B024500 002C31040101010401010104302C4500 0002290401040104010401042B024500 0002290401040104010401042B024500 00020241010401040104014102024500 00422529010101040101012B02414600 00004203282828322828280341460000 00000042434343434343434346000000 Enemy Data: 0x12586 0B C0 0A 05 00 64 33 FF 00 84 33 FF 00 6A 3B FF 00 8A 3B FF 00 EF 1A 08 0F 03 02 91 71 00 02 A2 71 FF 01 5D 7D FF 00 EF FF 51 07 9D 01 67 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 64 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 60). 33 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 30). FF - 00 - Noggles #1 direction (up). 84 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 40, Y: 80). 33 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 30). FF - 00 - Noggles #2 direction (up). 6A - Noggles #3 starting position (X: A0, Y: 60). 3B - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: B0, Y: 30). FF - 00 - Noggles #3 direction (up). 8A - Noggles #4 starting position (X: A0, Y: 80). 3B - Noggles #4 Base Rock position (X: B0, Y: 30). FF - 00 - Noggles #4 direction (up). EF - 1A - 08 - 0F - 03 - 02 - 91 - Rooker #1 starting position (X: 10, Y: 90). 71 - Rooker #1 Base Rock position (X: 10, Y: 70). 00 - 02 - Rooker #1 direction (down). A2 - Rooker #2 starting position (X: 20, Y: A0). 71 - Rooker #2 Base Rock position (X: 10, Y: 70). FF - 01 - Rooker #2 direction (right; turns up and then left due to water). 5D - Rooker #3 starting position (X: D0, Y: 50). 7D - Rooker #3 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: 70). FF - 00 - Rooker #3 direction (up). EF - FF - 51 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 10, Y: 50). 07 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 00). 9D - Dream Bag #3 (X: D0, Y: 90). 01 - 67 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 60). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 2A - Toy Land P Level Data: 0x17874 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000001010144000000000000 00000000000042014146000000000000 0000002A2A2A2A412A2A2A2A44000000 0000290202020202020202022B440000 0000290202020202022002022B450000 0000290202200202020202022B450000 0000290220020202020220022B450000 0000290202020202200202022B450000 0000290202022002020202022B450000 0000290202020202020202022B450000 00004228282828282828282841460000 00000042434343434343434346000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x125B4 23 30 0A 11 02 47 FF FF 03 EF 23 70 0A 11 02 27 FF FF 03 EF FF 94 17 9A 01 67 FF 02 FF 02 FF 02 FF 02 FF 02 FF 02 23 - 30 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 47 - Spiny #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 40). FF - Spiny #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 03 - Spiny #1 direction (left). EF - 23 - 70 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 27 - Spiny #2 starting position (X: 70, Y: 20). FF - Spiny #2 - No Base Rock position. FF - 03 - Spiny #2 direction (left). EF - FF - 94 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 40, Y: 90). 17 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 10). 9A - Dream Bag #3 (X: A0, Y: 90). 01 - 67 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 60). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #1 - No Base Rock position. 02 - Tile under ice cube #1 (02 - Slippery Ice). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #2 - No Base Rock position. 02 - Tile under ice cube #2 (02 - Slippery Ice). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #3 - No Base Rock position. 02 - Tile under ice cube #3 (02 - Slippery Ice). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #4 - No Base Rock position. 02 - Tile under ice cube #4 (02 - Slippery Ice). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #5 - No Base Rock position. 02 - Tile under ice cube #5 (02 - Slippery Ice). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #6 - No Base Rock position. 02 - Tile under ice cube #6 (02 - Slippery Ice). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 2B - Special Game 14 Level Data: 0x15A0F 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000034400024400034400000000 00000000420302030203414600000000 00000000020202020207024400000000 00000003020704020402020344000000 000003022C02020202012C0203440000 00030202020202020202020202034400 03020202101815021018150202020344 42030202111C1602111C160202034146 00420302121417031214170203414600 00004203020241434302020341460000 00000042434302030241434346000000 00000000000042434346000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x125DA 0B C0 0A 05 00 59 5A FF 02 EF 0D 08 0E 0D 02 87 54 FF 00 EF FF B6 17 B8 01 47 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 59 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 90, Y: 50). 5A - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: A0, Y: 50). FF - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). EF - 0D - 08 - 0E - 0D - 02 - 87 - Mr. Hoople #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 80). 54 - Mr. Hoople #1 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: 50). FF - 00 - Mr. Hoople direction (up). EF - FF - B6 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 60, Y: B0). 17 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 10). B8 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 80, Y: B0). 01 - 47 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 40). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 2C - Special Game 03 Level Data: 0x1338F 00000003030303030303030344000000 00000302020302030203020303440000 00030203020302030203020302034400 03042104042004200420200404040344 02020202020202020202020202020245 02020202020202020202020202020245 02020220020202020202022002020245 02020202020202020202020202020245 02020202020202020202020202020245 03040404040404040404040421040345 42030202410241024102410202034146 00420302450245024502450203414600 00004203030303030303030341460000 00000042434343434343434346000000 Enemy Data: 0x125F4 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF FF 00 10 EF 20 48 0B 03 03 14 FF 00 02 16 FF 00 02 18 FF 00 02 1A FF 00 02 EF 23 30 0A 11 02 83 FF 00 01 EF FF A3 A7 AB 01 67 FF 04 FF 04 FF 04 FF 04 FF 02 FF 02 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. FF - Noggles #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 10 - Noggles #1 direction (would be up). EF - 20 - 48 - 0B - 03 - 03 - 14 - Max #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 10). FF - Max #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Max #1 direction (down). 16 - Max #2 starting position (X: 60, Y: 10). FF - Max #2 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Max #2 direction (down). 18 - Max #3 starting position (X: 80, Y: 10). FF - Max #3 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Max #3 direction (down). 1A - Max #4 starting position (X: A0, Y: 10). FF - Max #4 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Max #4 direction (down). EF - 23 - 30 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 83 - Spiny #1 starting position (X: 30, Y: 80). FF - Spiny #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Spiny #1 direction (right). EF - FF - A3 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 30, Y: A0). A7 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: A0). AB - Dream Bag #3 (X: B0, Y: A0). 01 - 67 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 60). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #1 - No Base Rock position. 04 - Tile under ice cube #1 (04 - Water Hole). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #2 - No Base Rock position. 04 - Tile under ice cube #2 (04 - Water Hole). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #3 - No Base Rock position. 04 - Tile under ice cube #3 (04 - Water Hole). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #4 - No Base Rock position. 04 - Tile under ice cube #4 (04 - Water Hole). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #5 - No Base Rock position. 02 - Tile under ice cube #5 (02 - Slippery Ice). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #6 - No Base Rock position. 02 - Tile under ice cube #6 (02 - Slippery Ice). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 2D - Fruit Land Q Level Data: 0x13995 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000144000000000001440000000000 00012101440000000101014400000000 0042012C4500000042012C4500000000 00004243460144000042434601440000 00000000010101440000000101014400 0000000042012C4500000042012C4500 00000000004243460000000042434600 00000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000012C4400012C4400000000 00000000010101450101014500000000 00000000420141464201414600000000 00000000004246000042460000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12630 0B C0 0A 05 00 23 33 00 02 FF 66 00 03 FF 96 00 03 FF 3A 00 03 FF 9A 00 03 EF 25 C8 09 07 02 55 FF 00 02 A5 FF 00 01 29 FF 00 03 A9 FF 00 00 EF FF 5B 4C 5C 01 32 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 23 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 30, Y: 20). 33 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 30). 00 - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). FF - Noggles #2 - No starting position. 66 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 60, Y: 60). 00 - 03 - Noggles #2 direction (left). FF - Noggles #3 - No starting position. 96 - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: 60, Y: 90). 00 - 03 - Noggles #3 direction (left). FF - Noggles #4 - No starting position. 3A - Noggles #4 Base Rock position (X: A0, Y: 30). 00 - 03 - Noggles #4 direction (left). FF - Noggles #5 - No starting position. 9A - Noggles #5 Base Rock position (X: A0, Y: 90). 00 - 03 - Noggles #5 direction (left). EF - 25 - C8 - 09 - 07 - 02 - 55 - Bonkers #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: 50). FF - Bonkers #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Bonkers #1 direction (down). A5 - Bonkers #2 starting position (X: 50, Y: A0). FF - Bonkers #2 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Bonkers #2 direction (right). 29 - Bonkers #3 starting position (X: 90, Y: 20). FF - Bonkers #3 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 03 - Bonkers #3 direction (left). A9 - Bonkers #4 starting position (X: 90, Y: A0). FF - Bonkers #4 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 00 - Bonkers #4 direction (up). EF - FF - 5B - Dream Bag #1 (X: B0, Y: 50). 4C - Dream Bag #2 (X: C0, Y: 40). 5C - Dream Bag #3 (X: C0, Y: 50). 01 - 32 - Kickle starting position (X: 20, Y: 30). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 30 - Cake Land H Level Data: 0x157E4 03030303030303030303030303030344 03020302020202020202020341020345 03020202020202020302020345020345 03020203020202020202020345020345 03020202020203020202020345020345 03030202021018150202020245020345 0302020203111C160203020245020345 03020202021214170202020345020345 03020302020202020202020345020345 03020202020302022C01020345020345 03020203020202020202020345020345 03020202020202030202020345020345 03030303030303030303030303030345 42434343434343434343434343434346 Enemy Data: 0x12666 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF 98 00 01 EF 2D 48 13 09 02 26 98 FF 02 2D 98 FF 02 EF FF 4D 6D 8D 01 96 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. 98 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 80, Y: 90). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). EF - 2D - 48 - 13 - 09 - 02 - 26 - Myrtle #1 starting position (X: 60, Y: 20). 98 - Myrtle #1 Base Rock position (X: 80, Y: 90). FF - 02 - Myrtle #1 direction (down). 2D - Myrtle #2 starting position (X: D0, Y: 20). 98 - Myrtle #2 Base Rock position (X: 80, Y: 90). FF - 02 - Myrtle #2 direction (down). EF - FF - 4D - Dream Bag #1 (X: D0, Y: 40). 6D - Dream Bag #2 (X: D0, Y: 60). 8D - Dream Bag #3 (X: D0, Y: 80). 01 - 96 - Kickle starting position (X: 60, Y: 90). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 31 - Fruit Land K Level Data: 0x14B12 03020202020202020202020202020344 42024143024143434343024143024146 00024500034500000000024500024500 03020202020202020202020302020344 42024143014143434343014143024146 00024500014500024400014500024500 2C02022C014502020244010202022C44 42024143014542024146034143024146 00024500014500424600014500024500 03020202020202020202020202020344 42024143034143434343024143024146 00024500024500000000024500024500 03020202020202020202020202020344 42434343434343434343434343434346 Enemy Data: 0x12684 0B C0 0A 05 00 64 63 00 02 EF 0D C8 0E 0D 02 61 60 00 02 6D 6E 00 02 EF FF 57 67 77 01 97 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 64 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 60). 63 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 60). 00 - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). EF - 0D - C8 - 0E - 0D - 02 - 61 - Mr. Hoople #1 starting position (X: 10, Y: 60). 60 - Mr. Hoople #1 Base Rock position (X: 00, Y: 60). 00 - 02 - Mr. Hoople #1 direction (down). 6D - Mr. Hoople #2 starting position (X: D0, Y: 60). 6E - Mr. Hoople #2 Base Rock position (X: E0, Y: 60). 00 - 02 - Mr. Hoople #2 direction (down). EF - FF - 57 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 70, Y: 50). 67 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 60). 77 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 70, Y: 70). 01 - 97 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 33 - Garden Land D Level Data: 0x13DE7 00000001014400014400010144000000 00000042430144014501414346000000 00000000004201410141460000000000 00000000000042464246000000000000 00000001010107070701010144000000 00000101010101070101010101440000 00000101010101010101010101450000 00002C0101010101010101012C450000 00004201010101010101010141460000 00000042010101010101014146000000 00000000420101010101414600000000 00000000004201010141460000000000 00000000000042054146000000000000 00000000000000424600000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x126A2 0B C0 0A 05 00 75 72 00 01 79 7C 00 03 EF FF 03 07 0B 01 97 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 75 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: 70). 72 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 20, Y: 70). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). 79 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 90, Y: 70). 7C - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: 70). 00 - 03 - Noggles #2 direction (left). EF - FF - 03 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 30, Y: 00). 07 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 00). 0B - Dream Bag #3 (X: B0, Y: 00). 01 - 97 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 35 - Special Game 19 Level Data: 0x15870 00000303030303440303030303440000 000302020702022C0202020202034400 03020202020207020202020207020344 03020202020202020202020702020345 03070202020210181502020202020345 030202020202111C1602020202020345 03020202020212141702020702020345 42030207020202020202020202034146 004203020202022C0102020203414600 00004203020202020202020341460000 00000042034143434343034146000000 00000000420302030203414600000000 00000000004203030341460000000000 00000000000042434346000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x126B6 0B C0 0A 05 00 88 87 FF 02 EF 27 C8 10 01 02 27 17 FF 02 EF FF 37 B6 B8 01 67 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 88 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 80, Y: 80). 87 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 80). FF - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). EF - 27 - C8 - 10 - 01 - 02 - 27 - Shades #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 20). 17 - Shades #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 10). FF - 02 - Shades #1 direction (down). EF - FF - 37 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 70, Y: 30). B6 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 60, Y: B0). B8 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 80, Y: B0). 01 - 67 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 60). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 36 - Special Game 01 Level Data: 0x13E52 000000000000002A4400000000000000 0000000000002A012A44000000000000 00000000000042434346000000000000 000000002902020202022B4400000000 00000003010107070701010344000000 00000301010101030101010103440000 002C01010101010101010101012C4400 00420301010101010101010103414600 00004203010101010101010341460000 00000042030101010101034146000000 00000000420301010103414600000000 00000000004203010341460000000000 00000000000042054146000000000000 00000000000000424600000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x126D0 0B C0 0A 05 00 54 61 00 02 65 61 00 02 69 6D 00 02 5A 6D 00 02 EF FF 17 63 6B 01 97 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 54 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 50). 61 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 10, Y: 60). 00 - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). 65 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 50, Y: 60). 61 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 10, Y: 60). 00 - 02 - Noggles #2 direction (down). 69 - Noggles #3 starting position (X: 90, Y: 60). 6D - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: 60). 00 - 02 - Noggles #3 direction (down). 5A - Noggles #4 starting position (X: A0, Y: 50). 6D - Noggles #4 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: 60). 00 - 02 - Noggles #4 direction (down). EF - FF - 17 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 70, Y: 10). 63 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 30, Y: 60). 6B - Dream Bag #3 (X: B0, Y: 60). 01 - 97 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 39 - Fruit Land H Level Data: 0x14D87 00000000000000034402020244000000 00000001010144030202020202440000 00000101010101030102020201450000 00010141434307030741434301014400 00014146000042074146000042014500 002C45000101444246010144002C4500 00424600010445014404014500424600 00010144424301010141434601014400 00010101010101010101010101014500 002C01010101010101010101012C4500 00420101010101410101010101414600 00004201010101010101010141460000 00000042010101410101014146000000 00000000424343464243434600000000 Enemy Data: 0x126EC 0B C0 0A 05 00 93 91 00 01 9B 9D 00 03 EF 2B 08 12 11 02 22 51 00 01 2C 5D 00 03 EF FF 14 B7 1A 01 87 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 93 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 30, Y: 90). 91 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 10, Y: 90). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). 9B - Noggles #2 starting position (X: B0, Y: 90). 9D - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: 90). 00 - 03 - Noggles #2 direction (left). EF - 2B - 08 - 12 - 11 - 02 - 22 - Equalizer #1 starting position (X: 20, Y: 20). 51 - Equalizer #1 Base Rock position (X: 10, Y: 50). 00 - 01 - Equalizer #1 direction (right). 2C - Equalizer #2 starting position (X: C0, Y: 20). 5D - Equalizer #2 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: 50). 00 - 03 - Equalizer #2 direction (left). EF - FF - 14 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 40, Y: 10). B7 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: B0). 1A - Dream Bag #3 (X: A0, Y: 10). 01 - 87 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 80). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 3A - Cake Land C Level Data: 0x155AF 0000014400000000000000002C440000 00010101440000000000000101014400 01010101014401010102010101010144 42010101414604010441430101014146 00420141460404010404444201414600 00004246040701010107044442460000 00000004040103010301040444000000 00000101010101010101010101440000 00004204040103010301040441460000 00000042040701010107044146000000 00000000420404010404414600000000 00000000004204010441460000000000 00000000000042014146000000000000 00000000000000424600000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x1270E 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF 0C 00 01 FF 0C 00 01 FF 0C 00 01 FF 0C 00 01 EF 1A 08 0F 03 02 27 FF 00 02 72 FF 00 01 C7 FF 00 00 7C FF 00 03 EF FF 20 97 2E 01 77 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. 0C - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: 00). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). FF - Noggles #2 - No starting position. 0C - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: 00). 00 - 01 - Noggles #2 direction (right). FF - Noggles #3 - No starting position. 0C - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: 00). 00 - 01 - Noggles #3 direction (right). FF - Noggles #4 - No starting position. 0C - Noggles #4 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: 00). 00 - 01 - Noggles #4 direction (right). EF - 1A - 08 - 0F - 03 - 02 - 27 - Rooker #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 20). FF - Rooker #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Rooker #1 direction (down). 72 - Rooker #2 starting position (X: 20, Y: 70). FF - Rooker #2 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Rooker #2 direction (right). C7 - Rooker #3 starting position (X: 70, Y: C0). FF - Rooker #3 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 00 - Rooker #3 direction (up). 7C - Rooker #4 starting position (X: C0, Y: 70). FF - Rooker #4 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 03 - Rooker #4 direction (left). EF - FF - 20 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 00, Y: 20). 97 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 90). 2E - Dream Bag #3 (X: E0, Y: 20). 01 - 77 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 70). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 3C - Garden Land P Level Data: 0x178D7 00000000000000014400000000000000 00000000000444424604440000000000 00000000000445014404450000000000 00000000000445424604450000000000 00000007440404040404450744000000 00000101070101010101070101440000 00010101010101010101010101014400 2C010101010101010101010101012C44 42434343010101010101014143434346 00000000010101010101014500000000 00000000420101010101414600000000 00000000004243054143460000000000 00000000000000054500000000000000 00000000000000424600000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12740 0B C0 0A 05 00 73 70 00 01 7B 7E 00 03 EF 23 08 0A 11 02 07 FF 00 01 EF FF 65 27 69 01 97 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 73 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 30, Y: 70). 70 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 00, Y: 70). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). 7B - Noggles #2 starting position (X: B0, Y: 70). 7E - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: E0, Y: 70). 00 - 03 - Noggles #2 direction (left). EF - 23 - 08 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 07 - Spiny #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 00). FF - Spiny #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Spiny #1 direction (right). EF - FF - 65 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 50, Y: 60). 27 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 20). 69 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 90, Y: 60). 01 - 97 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 3D - Garden Land O Level Data: 0x13C36 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000010103014400000000 00000000000001010103010144000000 00034400000101010103010101440000 00030344010101010103012C01034400 0003032C010101010103010103414600 00030341010101010103010101034400 00034146420101010103010101414600 00424600004201010103070741460000 00000000000042010103074146000000 00000000000000424343434600000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x1275E 0B C0 0A 05 00 55 63 FF 01 75 63 FF 01 EF 0D 08 0E 0D 02 FF 5B 00 02 EF FF 47 87 2A 01 67 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 55 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: 50). 63 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 60). FF - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). 75 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 50, Y: 70). 63 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 60). FF - 01 - Noggles #2 direction (right). EF - 0D - 08 - 0E - 0D - 02 - FF - Mr. Hoople #1 - No starting position. 5B - Mr. Hoople #1 Base Rock position (X: B0, Y: 50). 00 - 02 - Mr. Hoople #1 direction (down). EF - FF - 47 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 70, Y: 40). 87 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 80). 2A - Dream Bag #3 (X: A0, Y: 20). 01 - 67 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 60). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 3E - Garden Land L Level Data: 0x13B59 00000000000001010144000000000000 00000000000001010145000000000000 00000000000001010145000000000000 00000000000042214146000000000000 00010101440000014500000101014400 00010101210101010101210101014500 00010101414343014143430101014500 00424343460001010144004243434600 00000000000101010101440000000000 00000000010101010101014400000000 00000000420101010101414600000000 00000000004201010141460000000000 00000000000042014146000000000000 00000000000000424600000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x1277C 23 08 0A 11 02 42 FF FF 03 EF 23 48 0A 11 02 07 FF FF 01 4C FF FF 01 EF FF 52 17 5C 01 97 23 - 08 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 42 - Spiny #1 starting position (X: 20, Y: 40). FF - Spiny #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 03 - Spiny #1 direction (left). EF - 23 - 48 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 07 - Spiny #2 starting position (X: 70, Y: 00). FF - Spiny #2 - No Base Rock position. FF - 01 - Spiny #2 direction (right). 4C - Spiny #3 starting position (X: C0, Y: 40). FF - Spiny #3 - No Base Rock position. FF - 01 - Spiny #3 direction (right). EF - FF - 52 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 20, Y: 50). 17 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 10). 5C - Dream Bag #3 (X: C0, Y: 50). 01 - 97 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 3F - Special Game 18 Level Data: 0x13F92 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000321442144214421442103440000 00032101210121012101210121034400 00420321012101210121012103414600 00004203210121012101210341460000 00000042032101210121034146000000 00000000420321012103414600000000 00000000004203210341460000000000 00000000000042034146000000000000 00000000000000424600000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x1279A 23 48 0A 11 02 45 FF 00 01 65 FF 00 01 56 FF 00 01 76 FF 00 01 47 FF 00 01 58 FF 00 01 78 FF 00 01 49 FF 00 01 69 FF 00 01 4B FF 00 01 EF FF 54 87 5A 01 43 23 - 48 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 45 - Spiny #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: 40). FF - Spiny #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Spiny #1 direction (right). 65 - Spiny #2 starting position (X: 50, Y: 60). FF - Spiny #2 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Spiny #2 direction (right). 56 - Spiny #3 starting position (X: 60, Y: 50). FF - Spiny #3 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Spiny #3 direction (right). 76 - Spiny #4 starting position (X: 60, Y: 70). FF - Spiny #4 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Spiny #4 direction (right). 47 - Spiny #5 starting position (X: 70, Y: 40). FF - Spiny #5 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Spiny #5 direction (right). 58 - Spiny #6 starting position (X: 80, Y: 50). FF - Spiny #6 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Spiny #6 direction (right). 78 - Spiny #7 starting position (X: 80, Y: 70). FF - Spiny #7 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Spiny #7 direction (right). 49 - Spiny #8 starting position (X: 90, Y: 40). FF - Spiny #8 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Spiny #8 direction (right). 69 - Spiny #9 starting position (X: 90, Y: 60). FF - Spiny #9 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Spiny #9 direction (right). 4B - Spiny #10 starting position (X: B0, Y: 40). FF - Spiny #10 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Spiny #10 direction (right). EF - FF - 54 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 40, Y: 50). 87 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 80). 5A - Dream Bag #3 (X: A0, Y: 50). 01 - 43 - Kickle starting position (X: 30, Y: 40). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 40 - Toy Land F Level Data: 0x149D2 00000033440000000000003344000000 00000307450000000000000703440000 00030301450000000000000103034400 31010102010101010101010201013044 42434301414343434343430141434346 00000301450000000000000103440000 002C01014500000000000001012C4400 00420301450000000000000103414600 00004201450000000000000141460000 31010102450101030101440201013044 42030301454243434343460103034146 00420307450000000000000703414600 00004232450000000000003241460000 00000042460000000000004246000000 Enemy Data: 0x127CE 0B C0 0A 05 00 43 61 00 02 EF 0D 08 0E 0D 02 4B FF 00 02 EF FF 96 37 98 01 93 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 43 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 30, Y: 40). 61 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 10, Y: 60). 00 - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). EF - 0D - 08 - 0E - 0D - 02 - 4B - Mr. Hoople #1 starting position (X: B0, Y: 40). FF - Mr. Hoople #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Mr. Hoople #1 direction (down). EF - FF - 96 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 60, Y: 90). 37 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 30). 98 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 80, Y: 90). 01 - 93 - Kickle starting position (X: 30, Y: 90). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 41 - Toy Land Q Level Data: 0x152D2 02020202020202020244024402020244 0202022C020202020245424602020245 10181502020202021018150202020245 111C160202020202111C160202020245 12141702101815021214170210181545 02020202111C160202020202111C1645 10181502121417021018150212141745 111C160202020202111C160202020245 12141702101815021214170210181545 02020202111C160202020202111C1645 02020202121417020202020212141745 0202022C010202020202020202020245 02020202020202020202020202020245 42434343434343434343434343434346 Enemy Data: 0x127E8 0B C0 0A 05 00 B4 B3 FF 02 EF 27 C8 10 01 02 33 13 FF 02 3B 13 FF 02 EF FF 17 B7 0A 01 97 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - B4 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: B0). B3 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: B0). FF - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). EF - 27 - C8 - 10 - 01 - 02 - 33 - Shades #1 starting position (X: 30, Y: 30). 13 - Shades #1 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 10). FF - 02 - Shades #1 direction (down). 3B - Shades #2 starting position (X: B0, Y: 30). 13 - Shades #2 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 10). FF - 02 - Shades #2 direction (down). EF - FF - 17 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 70, Y: 10). B7 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: B0). 0A - Dream Bag #3 (X: A0, Y: 00). 01 - 97 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 43 - Special Game 07 Level Data: 0x17B4E 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 03030303030303030303030303030344 29020202020202020202020202023045 29020202020202020202020202023045 29020202030808080808030202023045 29020202010202020202010202023045 29020202010202020202010202023045 030303032C0303030303030303030345 42434343434343434343434343434346 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12806 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF 94 00 01 FF 94 00 01 FF 94 00 01 FF 94 00 01 FF 94 00 01 EF 23 50 0A 11 02 77 FF 00 01 EF FF 72 5C 7C 01 52 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. 94 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: 90). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). FF - Noggles #2 - No starting position. 94 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: 90). 00 - 01 - Noggles #2 direction (right). FF - Noggles #3 - No starting position. 94 - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: 90). 00 - 01 - Noggles #3 direction (right). FF - Noggles #4 - No starting position. 94 - Noggles #4 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: 90). 00 - 01 - Noggles #4 direction (right). FF - Noggles #5 - No starting position. 94 - Noggles #5 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: 90). 00 - 01 - Noggles #5 direction (right). EF - 23 - 50 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 77 - Spiny #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 70). FF - Spiny #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Spiny #1 direction (right). EF - FF - 72 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 20, Y: 70). 5C - Dream Bag #2 (X: C0, Y: 50). 7C - Dream Bag #3 (X: C0, Y: 70). 01 - 52 - Kickle starting position (X: 20, Y: 50). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 44 - Toy Land N Level Data: 0x13212 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000202020202020202020202440000 00000241434343434343434302450000 00000245000000074400000002450000 00000245000000424600000002450000 00000245000001010144000002450000 000002450744012C0145074402450000 00000245424601010145424602450000 00000245000042434346000002450000 00000245000000074400000002450000 00000245000000424600000002450000 00000202020202020202020202450000 00004243434343434343434343460000 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12830 0B D0 0A 05 00 76 67 FF 01 78 67 FF 00 EF 20 C8 0B 03 02 56 67 FF 02 58 67 FF 03 EF 23 6C 0A 11 03 72 27 FF 02 EF FF 66 68 6C 01 52 0B - D0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 76 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 60, Y: 70). 67 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 60). FF - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). 78 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 80, Y: 70). 67 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 60). FF - 00 - Noggles #2 direction (up). EF - 20 - C8 - 0B - 03 - 02 - 56 - Max #1 starting position (X: 60, Y: 50). 67 - Max #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 60). FF - 02 - Max #1 direction (down). 58 - Max #2 starting position (X: 80, Y: 50). 67 - Max #2 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 60). FF - 03 - Max #2 direction (left). EF - 23 - 6C - 0A - 11 - 03 - 72 - Spiny #1 starting position (X: 20, Y: 70). 27 - Spiny #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 20). FF - 02 - Spiny #1 direction (down). EF - FF - 66 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 60, Y: 60). 68 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 80, Y: 60). 6C - Dream Bag #3 (X: C0, Y: 60). 01 - 52 - Kickle starting position (X: 20, Y: 50). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 45 - Cake Land J Level Data: 0x15365 0000290210131502101315022B440000 00002902111E1602111E16022B450000 00002902121A1702121A17022B450000 0000290202020202020202022B450000 002941020202020202020202412B4400 29254502020210181502020245012B44 422945020202111C16020202452B4146 0042290202021214170202022B414600 0000422C010101010101012C41460000 000000422902020202022B4146000000 0000000042290202022B414600000000 00000000004229022B41460000000000 00000000000042284146000000000000 00000000000000424600000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x1285C 0B C0 0A 05 00 87 83 00 02 EF 18 C8 0C 0B 02 6A 8B 00 02 EF FF 44 4A 5D 01 64 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 87 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 80). 83 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 80). 00 - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). EF - 18 - C8 - 0C - 0B - 02 - 6A - Rocky #1 starting position (X: A0, Y: 60). 8B - Rocky #1 Base Rock position (X: B0, Y: 80). 00 - 02 - Rocky #1 direction (down). EF - FF - 44 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 40, Y: 40). 4A - Dream Bag #2 (X: A0, Y: 40). 5D - Dream Bag #3 (X: D0, Y: 50). 01 - 64 - Kickle starting position (X: 40, Y: 60). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 46 - Fruit Land M Level Data: 0x13F28 00000000000000024400000000000000 00000000000002410244000000000000 00000000000241464202440000000000 00000000024101440141024400000000 00000000424642464246424600000000 00030101010101010101010101034400 032C01010101010101010101012C0344 42030101010101010101010101034146 00424343010101010101014143434600 00000000420101010101414600000000 00000000004201010141460000000000 00000000000042034146000000000000 00000000000101250101440000000000 00000000004243434343460000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12876 0B C0 0A 05 00 65 61 00 01 69 6D 00 03 EF 23 08 0A 11 02 34 FF 00 03 16 FF 00 03 EF 23 48 0A 11 02 18 FF 00 01 3A FF 00 01 EF FF 25 07 29 01 97 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 65 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: 60). 61 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 10, Y: 60). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). 69 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 90, Y: 60). 6D - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: 60). 00 - 03 - Noggles #2 direction (left). EF - 23 - 08 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 34 - Spiny #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 30). FF - Spiny #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 03 - Spiny #1 direction (left). 16 - Spiny #2 starting position (X: 60, Y: 10). FF - Spiny #2 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 03 - Spiny #2 direction (left). EF - 23 - 48 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 18 - Spiny #3 starting position (X: 80, Y: 10). FF - Spiny #3 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Spiny #3 direction (right). 3A - Spiny #4 starting position (X: A0, Y: 30). FF - Spiny #4 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Spiny #4 direction (right). EF - FF - 25 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 50, Y: 20). 07 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 00). 29 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 90, Y: 20). 01 - 97 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 47 - Cake Land P Level Data: 0x15DCE 00000000030202020202034400000000 03030303030202020202030303030344 31020202410210131502410202023045 310202024502111E1602450202023045 310202024502121A1702450202023045 03030303030202020202030303030345 42430302020202020202020203414346 00000302020202020202020203450000 000003020202022C0102020203450000 00000302020202020202020203450000 00004203020202020202020341460000 00000042030202020202034146000000 00000000420332323203414600000000 00000000004243434343460000000000 Enemy Data: 0x128A6 0B C0 0A 05 00 88 87 00 02 EF 2D 08 13 09 02 23 87 00 02 2B 87 00 02 EF FF 32 67 3C 01 A7 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 88 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 80, Y: 80). 87 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 80). 00 - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). EF - 2D - 08 - 13 - 09 - 02 - 23 - Myrtle #1 starting position (X: 30, Y: 20). 87 - Myrtle #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 80). 00 - 02 - Myrtle #1 direction (down). 2B - Myrtle #2 starting position (X: B0, Y: 20). 87 - Myrtle #2 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 80). 00 - 02 - Myrtle #2 direction (down). EF - FF - 32 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 20, Y: 30). 67 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 60). 3C - Dream Bag #3 (X: C0, Y: 30). 01 - A7 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: A0). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 48 - Special Game 25 Level Data: 0x13753 10131502020202020202020210131544 111D190202020202020202021B1F1645 12141702020202020202020212141745 02020241434343434343434302020245 02020203020202020202020302020245 022C02033333332C33333303022C0245 02020201010101010101010102020245 02020201010101010101010102020245 02020201010101010101010102020245 02020204040404040404040402020245 10181502020202020202020210181545 111C16030303030303030303111C1645 12141702020202020202020212141745 42434343434343434343434343434346 Enemy Data: 0x128C4 0B C0 0A 05 00 75 57 FF 02 79 57 FF 02 EF 25 48 09 07 02 81 51 FF 02 8D 5D FF 02 EF FF 17 47 77 01 A7 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 75 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: 70). 57 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 50). FF - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). 79 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 90, Y: 70). 57 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 50). FF - 02 - Noggles #2 direction (down). EF - 25 - 48 - 09 - 07 - 02 - 81 - Bonkers #1 starting position (X: 10, Y: 80). 51 - Bonkers #1 Base Rock position (X: 10, Y: 50). FF - 02 - Bonkers #1 direction (down). 8D - Bonkers #2 starting position (X: D0, Y: 80). 5D - Bonkers #2 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: 50). FF - 02 - Bonkers #2 direction (down). EF - FF - 17 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 70, Y: 10). 47 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 40). 77 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 70, Y: 70). 01 - A7 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: A0). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 49 - Fruit Land P Level Data: 0x147EA 00000000000003010344000000000000 00000000000341214103440000000000 00000000034146014542034400000000 00000003034500014500030344000000 00000341430344214503414303440000 00034146004203010341460042034400 03012101012101010121010121010344 42034143434303010341434343034146 00420344000341014103440003414600 00004203034146014542030341460000 00000042034500014500034146000000 00000000420344014503414600000000 00000000004203010341460000000000 00000000000042434346000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x128E6 23 48 0A 11 02 63 FF 00 00 27 FF 00 01 6B FF 00 02 EF FF 61 07 6D 01 97 23 - 48 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 63 - Spiny #1 starting position (X: 30, Y: 60). FF - Spiny #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 00 - Spiny #1 direction (up). 27 - Spiny #2 starting position (X: 70, Y: 20). FF - Spiny #2 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Spiny #2 direction (right). 6B - Spiny #3 starting position (X: B0, Y: 60). FF - Spiny #3 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Spiny #3 direction (down). EF - FF - 61 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 10, Y: 60). 07 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 00). 6D - Dream Bag #3 (X: D0, Y: 60). 01 - 97 - Kickle starting position. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 4A - Fruit Land C Level Data: 0x138B0 00000000000000000000000000000000 00010101010101010101010101014400 00014143434343434343434343014500 00014501010101010101010144014500 00014501414343434343430145014500 0001450145010101012C440145014500 00014501450141434343460145014500 00014501450101010101010145014500 00014501454243434343434346014500 00014501010101010101010101014500 00014542434343434343434343434600 000101010101010101010101012C4400 00424343434343434343434343434600 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x128FE 25 08 09 07 02 11 BD 00 02 33 BD 00 02 55 59 00 02 7B 59 00 00 9D BD 00 00 EF FF 37 57 77 01 B7 25 - 08 - 09 - 07 - 02 - 11 - Bonkers #1 starting position (X: 10, Y: 10). BD - Bonkers #1 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: B0). 00 - 02 - Bonkers #1 direction (down). 33 - Bonkers #2 starting position (X: 30, Y: 30). BD - Bonkers #2 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: B0). 00 - 02 - Bonkers #2 direction (down). 55 - Bonkers #3 starting position (X: 50, Y: 50). 59 - Bonkers #3 Base Rock position (X: 90, Y: 50). 00 - 02 - Bonkers #3 direction (down). 7B - Bonkers #4 starting position (X: B0, Y: 70). 59 - Bonkers #4 Base Rock position (X: 90, Y: 50). 00 - 00 - Bonkers #4 direction (up). 9D - Bonkers #5 starting position (X: D0, Y: 90). BD - Bonkers #5 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: B0). 00 - 00 - Bonkers #5 direction (up). EF - FF - 37 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 70, Y: 30). 57 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 50). 77 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 70, Y: 70). 01 - B7 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: B0). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 4B - Toy Land G Level Data: 0x15A99 00000003333333333333330344000000 03030303020202020202020303030344 02020202020202021018150101073045 0202020202020202111C160101073045 02020202101815021214170101073045 03032C03111C1602020202032C030345 42434303121417020202020341434346 00000003020202020202020345000000 00000003414343034143430345000000 00000042030202030202034146000000 00000000420302030203414600000000 00000000004203030341460000000000 00000000000042034146000000000000 00000000000000424600000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x1291E 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF 5C 00 01 EF 18 C8 0C 0B 02 FF 52 00 01 EF FF 96 27 98 01 57 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. 5C - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: 50). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). EF - 18 - C8 - 0C - 0B - 02 - FF - Rocky #1 - No starting position. 52 - Rocky #1 Base Rock position (X: 20, Y: 50). 00 - 01 - Rocky #1 direction (right). EF - FF - 96 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 60, Y: 90). 27 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 20). 98 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 80, Y: 90). 01 - 57 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 50). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 4C - Fruit Land B Level Data: 0x13010 00000000000000000000000000000000 00030301010101210101010103034400 00030301414343434343434303034500 000701010101210121010101012C4500 00424343434343434343430141434600 002C0101010121012101010101074400 00424301414343434343434343434600 000701010101210121010101012C4400 00424343434343434343430141434600 002C0101010121012101010101074400 00030301414343434343434303034500 00030301010101210101010103034500 00424343434343434343434343434600 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12938 1E 08 0D 11 02 37 51 00 02 57 91 00 02 77 3D 00 02 97 7D 00 02 EF FF 14 54 1A 01 BA 1E - 08 - 0D - 11 - 02 - 37 - Sparky #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 30). 51 - Sparky #1 Base Rock position (X: 10, Y: 50). 00 - 02 - Sparky #1 direction (down). 57 - Sparky #2 starting position (X: 70, Y: 50). 91 - Sparky #2 Base Rock position (X: 10, Y: 90). 00 - 02 - Sparky #2 direction (down). 77 - Sparky #3 starting position (X: 70, Y: 70). 3D - Sparky #3 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: 30). 00 - 02 - Sparky #3 direction (down). 97 - Sparky #4 starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). 7D - Sparky #4 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: 70). 00 - 02 - Sparky #4 direction (down). EF - FF - 14 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 40, Y: 10). 54 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 40, Y: 50). 1A - Dream Bag #3 (X: A0, Y: 10). 01 - BA - Kickle starting position (X: A0, Y: B0). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 4D - Toy Land L Level Data: 0x13501 00000000000000000000000000000000 00020202020202020202020202024400 00020202020202020202020202024500 00020241434343254143434302024500 00020245020202020202024402024500 00020245024143434343024502024500 00020245024500024400024502024500 00020245024502020244024502024500 00020245020202020202024502024500 00020245424343434343434602024500 00020202020202020202020202024500 00020202020202020202020202024500 00424343434343434343434343434600 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12954 23 70 0A 11 02 B1 FF FF 00 11 FF FF 01 1D FF FF 02 BD FF FF 03 32 FF FF 02 9C FF FF 00 2B FF FF 03 EF FF 76 67 78 01 B7 23 - 70 - 0A - 11 - 02 - B1 - Spiny #1 starting position (X: 10, Y: B0). FF - Spiny #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 00 - Spiny #1 direction (up). 11 - Spiny #2 starting position (X: 10, Y: 10). FF - Spiny #2 - No Base Rock position. FF - 01 - Spiny #2 direction (right). 1D - Spiny #3 starting position (X: D0, Y: 10). FF - Spiny #3 - No Base Rock position. FF - 02 - Spiny #3 direction (down). BD - Spiny #4 starting position (X: D0, Y: B0). FF - Spiny #4 - No Base Rock position. FF - 03 - Spiny #4 direction (left). 32 - Spiny #5 starting position (X: 20, Y: 30). FF - Spiny #5 - No Base Rock position. FF - 02 - Spiny #5 direction (down). 9C - Spiny #6 starting position (X: C0, Y: 90). FF - Spiny #6 - No Base Rock position. FF - 00 - Spiny #6 direction (up). 2B - Spiny #7 starting position (X: B0, Y: 20). FF - Spiny #7 - No Base Rock position. FF - 03 - Spiny #7 direction (left). EF - FF - 76 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 60, Y: 70). 67 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 60). 78 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 80, Y: 70). 01 - B7 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, B0). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 4E - Cake Land O Level Data: 0x137C8 00000000000000034400000000000000 00000000000003020344000000000000 00000303030341434303030303440000 00030202330202020202020302034400 03020202020202020202023302020344 03030331020202020202020202300345 03020202020202020202020202020345 03310202020202023003020202020345 03020202320202020202020202020345 03020202033102010202020230030345 030202020202022C0202020202020345 42030202020202020202023202034146 00420303030303030303030303414600 00004243434343434343434343460000 Enemy Data: 0x1297C 0B C0 0A 05 00 97 A7 00 00 EF 2B 08 12 11 02 FF A7 00 02 EF FF 54 17 5A 01 67 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 97 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). A7 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: A0). 00 - 00 - Noggles #1 direction (up). EF - 2B - 08 - 12 - 11 - 02 - FF - Equalizer #1 - No starting position. A7 - Equalizer #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: A0). 00 - 02 - Equalizer #1 direction (down). EF - FF - 54 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 40, Y: 50). 17 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 10). 5A - Dream Bag #3 (X: A0, Y: 50). 01 - 67 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 60). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 4F - Special Game 21 Level Data: 0x1383C 00000000000000000000000000000000 2A2A2A2A2A2A2A2A2A2A2A2A2A2A2A44 31040404040404040410131504043045 3104030303040402021B1F1602023045 31020202020202020412141704023045 31020404040404040404040404023045 31020202020204020202020202023045 04020101010204020404040404040445 04020101010204020410181504040445 0402012C0102040202111C1602020445 04020202020204040412141704040445 28282828282828282828282828282845 42434343434343434343434343434346 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12996 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF 93 00 03 EF FF 97 6A 9D 01 43 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. 93 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 90). 00 - 03 - Noggles #1 direction (left). EF - FF - 97 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 70, Y: 90). 6A - Dream Bag #2 (X: A0, Y: 60). 9D - Dream Bag #3 (X: D0, Y: 90). 01 - 43 - Kickle starting position (X: 30, Y: 40). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 50 - Fruit Land G Level Data: 0x1551D 0000000000000000000000000C440000 00034400000000000000000302034400 0A020201010101010101010102414600 42030141434343434343434301450000 00420745000244000002440007450000 00000145020202440202024401450000 00000145420241464202414601450000 00000145004246000042460001450000 00000145000000034400000001450000 00000145000000424600000001034400 00000201010101010101010102020E44 00030203414343434343434343034146 00420841460000000000000000424600 00004246000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x129A6 0B C0 0A 05 00 62 FF 00 02 25 FF 00 01 A7 FF 00 01 6C FF 00 02 EF FF B2 1C AD 01 29 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 62 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 20, Y: 60). FF - Noggles #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). 25 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 50, Y: 20). FF - Noggles #2 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Noggles #2 direction (right). A7 - Noggles #3 starting position (X: 70, Y: A0). FF - Noggles #3 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Noggles #3 direction (right). 6C - Noggles #4 starting position (X: C0, Y: 60). FF - Noggles #4 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Noggles #4 direction (down). EF - FF - B2 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 20, Y: B0). 1C - Dream Bag #2 (X: C0, Y: 10). AD - Dream Bag #3 (X: D0, Y: A0). 01 - 29 - Kickle starting position (X: 90, Y: 20). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 51 - Special Game 12 Level Data: 0x13091 00000003030303030303030344000000 00003102020202040202410230440000 00034143434343024143464243034400 03020202020202020202020202020344 03020202020202020202020202020345 03020202020202020202020202020345 03020203020202020202020302020345 0302032C030202020202032C03020345 03020201020210131502020202023045 030202020202111E1602020202020345 420302020202121A1702020202034146 00420302020202020202020203414600 00004203030303030303030341460000 00000042434343434343434346000000 Enemy Data: 0x129C2 0B C0 0A 05 00 83 73 00 00 EF 18 08 0C 0B 02 43 7B 00 01 4B 7B 00 03 EF FF 13 67 1B 01 47 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 83 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 30, Y: 80). 73 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 70). 00 - 00 - Noggles #1 direction (up). EF - 18 - 08 - 0C - 0B - 02 - 43 - Rocky #1 starting position (X: 30, Y: 40). 7B - Rocky #1 Base Rock position (X: B0, Y: 70). 00 - 01 - Rocky #1 direction (right). 4B - Rocky #2 starting position (X: B0, Y: 40). 7B - Rocky #2 Base Rock position (X: B0, Y: 70). 00 - 03 - Rocky #2 direction (left). EF - FF - 13 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 30, Y: 10). 67 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 60). 1B - Dream Bag #3 (X: B0, Y: 10). 01 - 47 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 40). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 53 - Cake Land L Level Data: 0x145F8 00000000034400000000034400000000 00000003020344000003020344000000 00000341020203030302024103440000 00030245020202020202024502034400 00420345020202030202024503414600 000042030202022C0101010341460000 00000042030202030202034146000000 00000003020202030202020344000000 00000302101815041018150203440000 00000302111C162C111C160203450000 00000302121417041214170203450000 00004203020202030202020341460000 00000042030303410303034146000000 00000000424343464243434600000000 Enemy Data: 0x129E0 0B C0 0A 05 00 59 57 00 02 EF 0D 88 0E 0D 02 FF 97 00 01 EF FF 32 37 3C 01 55 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 59 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 90, Y: 50). 57 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 50). 00 - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). EF - 0D - 88 - 0E - 0D - 02 - FF - Bonkers #1 - No starting position. 97 - Bonkers #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 90). 00 - 01 - Bonkers #1 direction (right). EF - FF - 32 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 20, Y: 30). 37 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 30). 3C - Dream Bag #3 (X: C0, Y: 30). 01 - 55 - Kickle starting position (X: 50, Y: 50). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 55 - Special Game 24 Level Data: 0x15EDA 0000002C020202020202022C44000000 00000042434343434343434346000000 02020202020202020202021018150244 0303030303030303030302111C160245 31020202020202020202021214170245 03030303030303030203040403030345 31020202020202021018150204020245 0303030303030203111C160203030345 31020202020202031214170202020245 0303032C030302030303040303030345 31010101010110181504101315020245 010101010101111C16031B1F16020245 01010101010112141703121417020245 42434343434343434343434343434346 Enemy Data: 0x129FA 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF 93 00 01 FF 93 00 01 FF 93 00 01 FF 93 00 01 FF 93 00 03 EF 1E 08 0D 11 02 FF 03 00 03 EF FF 07 47 67 01 78 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. 93 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 90). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). FF - Noggles #2 - No starting position. 93 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 90). 00 - 01 - Noggles #2 direction (right). FF - Noggles #3 - No starting position. 93 - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 90). 00 - 01 - Noggles #3 direction (right). FF - Noggles #4 - No starting position. 93 - Noggles #4 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 90). 00 - 01 - Noggles #4 direction (right). FF - Noggles #5 - No starting position. 93 - Noggles #5 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 90). 00 - 03 - Noggles #5 direction (left). EF - 1E - 08 - 0D - 11 - 02 - FF - Sparky #1 - No starting position. 03 - Sparky #1 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 00). 00 - 03 - Sparky #1 direction (left). EF - FF - 07 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 70, Y: 00). 47 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 40). 67 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 70, Y: 60). 01 - 78 - Kickle starting position (X: 80, Y: 70). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 56 - Cake Land F Level Data: 0x15D47 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000244024402440244024402440000 00020202020202020202020202024400 00420241024102410241024102414600 00020202020202020202020202024400 00420241024102410241024102414600 00020202020202020202020202024400 00420241024102410241024102414600 00020202020202020202020202024400 00420241024102410241024102414600 00020202020202020202020202024400 00420241024102410241024102414600 00004246424642464246424642460000 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12A24 2D 48 13 09 02 54 FF 00 02 45 FF 00 02 36 FF 00 02 38 FF 00 02 49 FF 00 02 5A FF 00 02 EF FF 12 67 1C 01 A7 2D - 48 - 13 - 09 - 02 - 54 - Myrtle #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 50). FF - Myrtle #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Myrtle #1 direction (down). 45 - Myrtle #2 starting position (X: 50, Y: 40). FF - Myrtle #2 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Myrtle #2 direction (down). 36 - Myrtle #3 starting position (X: 60, Y: 30). FF - Myrtle #3 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Myrtle #3 direction (down). 38 - Myrtle #4 starting position (X: 80, Y: 30). FF - Myrtle #4 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Myrtle #4 direction (down). 49 - Myrtle #5 starting position (X: 90, Y: 40). FF - Myrtle #5 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Myrtle #5 direction (down). 5A - Myrtle #6 starting position (X: A0, Y: 50). FF - Myrtle #6 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Myrtle #6 direction (down). EF - FF - 12 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 20, Y: 10). 67 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 60). 1C - Dream Bag #3 (X: C0, Y: 10). 01 - A7 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: A0). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 57 - Toy Land B Level Data: 0x1488D 00000000000000000000000000000000 0000210244000221440000002C440000 00210202020202022144000002450000 00020241434343020245000002450000 00420245000000024146000002450000 00022002440002020244000202024400 00020202450002020245000202024500 00020202450002020245000202024500 00420241460042024146004202414600 00000245000002024500000002024400 00000245000021020202020202214500 00002C45000042210241430221414600 00004246000000424346004243460000 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12A48 27 08 10 01 02 32 B2 00 02 23 B2 00 03 26 B2 00 03 37 B2 00 00 97 1C 00 00 A8 1C 00 03 AB 1C 00 03 9C 1C 00 02 EF FF 22 67 2C 01 72 FF 02 27 - 08 - 10 - 01 - 02 - 32 - Shades #1 starting position (X: 20, Y: 30). B2 - Shades #1 Base Rock position (X: 20, Y: B0). 00 - 02 - Shades #1 direction (down). 23 - Shades #2 starting position (X: 30, Y: 20). B2 - Shades #2 Base Rock position (X: 20, Y: B0). 00 - 03 - Shades #2 direction (left). 26 - Shades #3 starting position (X: 60, Y: 20). B2 - Shades #3 Base Rock position (X: 20, Y: B0). 00 - 03 - Shades #3 direction (left). 37 - Shades #4 starting position (X: 70, Y: 30). B2 - Shades #4 Base Rock position (X: 20, Y: B0). 00 - 00 - Shades #4 direction (up). 97 - Shades #5 starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). 1C - Shades #5 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: 10). 00 - 00 - Shades #5 direction (up). A8 - Shades #6 starting position (X: 80, Y: A0). 1C - Shades #6 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: 10). 00 - 03 - Shades #6 direction (left). AB - Shades #7 starting position (X: B0, Y: A0). 1C - Shades #7 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: 10). 00 - 03 - Shades #7 direction (left). 9C - Shades #8 starting position (X: C0, Y: 90). 1C - Shades #8 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: 10). 00 - 02 - Shades #8 direction (down). EF - FF - 22 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 20, Y: 20). 67 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 60). 2C - Dream Bag #3 (X: C0, Y: 20). 01 - 72 - Kickle starting position (X: 20, Y: 70). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #1 - No Base Rock position. 02 - Tile under ice cube #1 (02 - Slippery Ice). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 59 - Special Game 11 Level Data: 0x15F5E 02020202020202020202020202200244 02020404040404040404040404040245 02020202020221040202020202020245 42044143434302040241434343044146 00044502020202040202020244044500 00044502040404040404040245044500 00044503040404040404040245044500 00044502040404040404040245044500 00044502020202040202020245044500 00044542434302040241434346044500 03020202020220040202020202200344 03022004040404040404040404020345 03020202020202020202020202020345 42434343434343434343434343434346 Enemy Data: 0x12A76 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF FF 00 01 EF 23 38 0A 11 02 84 FF FF 01 6B FF FF 02 EF FF A3 44 AB 01 C7 FF 02 FF 02 FF 02 FF 04 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. FF - Noggles #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). EF - 23 - 38 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 84 - Spiny #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 80). FF - Spiny #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 01 - Spiny #1 direction (right). 6B - Spiny #2 starting position (X: B0, Y: 60). FF - Spiny #2 - No Base Rock position. FF - 02 - Spiny #2 direction (down). EF - FF - A3 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 30, Y: A0). 44 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 40, Y: 40). AB - Dream Bag #3 (X: B0, Y: A0). 01 - C7 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: C0). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #1 - No Base Rock position. 02 - Tile under ice cube #1 (02 - Slippery Ice). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #2 - No Base Rock position. 02 - Tile under ice cube #2 (02 - Slippery Ice). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #3 - No Base Rock position. 02 - Tile under ice cube #3 (02 - Slippery Ice). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #4 - No Base Rock position. 04 - Tile under ice cube #4 (04 - Water Hole). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 5A - Cake Land I Level Data: 0x1563D 00000029440000000000002B44000000 00002907292929032B2B2B072B440000 002931020202020202020202302B4400 0042290202020202020202022B414600 0000290202010101010102022B450000 0000290202010201020102022B450000 0000290202010101010102022B450000 0000290202010101010102022B450000 00004243432C2C2C2C2C414343460000 00000202020202030202020202440000 00000202020202030202020202450000 00004243430202030202414343460000 00000000000202030202450000000000 00000000004243434343460000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12A9C 0B C0 0A 05 00 55 85 00 02 46 86 00 03 66 86 00 02 57 87 00 02 48 88 00 01 68 88 00 02 59 89 00 02 EF 23 18 0A 11 02 A4 FF FF 01 EF 23 58 0A 11 02 AA FF FF 03 EF FF C6 77 C8 01 27 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 55 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: 50). 85 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 80). 00 - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). 46 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 60, Y: 40). 86 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 60, Y: 80). 00 - 03 - Noggles #2 direction (left). 66 - Noggles #3 starting position (X: 60, Y: 60). 86 - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: 60, Y: 80). 00 - 02 - Noggles #3 direction (down). 57 - Noggles #4 starting position (X: 70, Y: 50). 87 - Noggles #4 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 80). 00 - 02 - Noggles #4 direction (down). 48 - Noggles #5 starting position (X: 80, Y: 40). 88 - Noggles #5 Base Rock position (X: 80, Y: 80). 00 - 01 - Noggles #5 direction (right). 68 - Noggles #6 starting position (X: 80, Y: 60). 88 - Noggles #6 Base Rock position (X: 80, Y: 80). 00 - 02 - Noggles #6 direction (down). 59 - Noggles #7 starting position (X: 90, Y: 50). 89 - Noggles #7 Base Rock position (X: 90, Y: 80). 00 - 02 - Noggles #7 direction (down). EF - 23 - 18 - 0A - 11 - 02 - A4 - Spiny #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: A0). FF - Spiny #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 01 - Spiny #1 direction (right). EF - 23 - 58 - 0A - 11 - 02 - AA - Spiny #2 starting position (X: A0, Y: A0). FF - Spiny #2 - No Base Rock position. FF - 03 - Spiny #2 direction (left). EF - FF - C6 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 60, Y: C0). 77 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 70). C8 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 80, Y: C0). 01 - 27 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 20). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 5B - Special Game 22 Level Data: 0x15116 02030303030303030303030303030244 02030202020202020202020202030245 02030203020303030303030302030245 02030203020202020202020202030245 02030203020302030303020302030245 02030203020302020402020302030245 02030203020302030203020302030245 02310202020402020203020302030245 02030203032C03030203020302030245 02410202022004020202020302030245 02030203030303030303020302030245 02030202020202020202020202030245 02030303030303030303030303030245 42434343434343434343434343434346 Enemy Data: 0x12AD8 23 28 0A 11 02 30 FF FF 02 6C FF FF 02 EF FF 00 60 C0 01 77 85 01 23 - 28 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 30 - Spiny #1 starting position (X: 00, Y: 30). FF - Spiny #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 02 - Spiny #1 direction (down). 6C - Spiny #2 starting position (X: C0, Y: 60). FF - Spiny #2 - No Base Rock position. FF - 02 - Spiny #2 direction (down). EF - FF - 00 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 00, Y: 00). 60 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 00, Y: 60). C0 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 00, Y: C0). 01 - 77 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 70). 85 - Ice cube/Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 80). 01 - Tile under ice cube #1 (01 - Land). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 5D - Toy Land I Level Data: 0x141D1 00024400334400000000024400024400 03020202020202020202020230020344 42024143024143434343334143024146 2C023102020202020202020202022C44 42024143024143034143024143024146 03020231020202020202023002020344 42024143024143024143024143024146 02020202020202020202020202020244 42024143024143044143024143024146 0002450002452C012C44024500024500 00024500024504010445024500024500 0042460002452C012C45024500424600 00024400324542044146324500024400 00424600424600424600424600424600 Enemy Data: 0x12AEE 0B C0 0A 05 00 97 96 FF 00 EF 20 08 0B 03 02 B7 B8 FF 00 EF 1A 4C 0F 03 03 31 30 FF 00 3D 3E FF 00 EF FF 17 C1 CD 01 67 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 97 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). 96 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 60, Y: 90). FF - 00 - Noggles #1 direction (up). EF - 20 - 08 - 0B - 03 - 02 - B7 - Max #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: B0). B8 - Max #1 Base Rock position (X: 80, Y: B0). FF - 00 - Max #1 direction (up). EF - 1A - 4C - 0F - 03 - 03 - 31 - Rooker #1 starting position (X: 10, Y: 30). 30 - Rooker #1 Base Rock position (X: 00, Y: 30). FF - 00 - Rooker #1 direction (up). 3D - Rooker #2 starting position (X: D0, Y: 30). 3E - Rooker #2 Base Rock position (X: E0, Y: 30). FF - 00 - Rooker #2 direction (up). EF - FF - 17 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 70, Y: 10). C1 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 10, Y: C0). CD - Dream Bag #3 (X: D0, Y: C0). 01 - 67 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 60). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 5E - Toy Land H Level Data: 0x14F54 00000000000000024400000000000000 00000000000002020244000000000000 00000002020202020202020244000000 00000202414302020241430202440000 00020241460042024146004202024400 00024146000344424603440042024500 00024500004246000042460000024500 00424600000000000000000000424600 0002442C0404042C0404042C44024400 00020201040101012001040102024500 00024102040404040404040241024500 00424602020202020202020245424600 00000042434302020241434346000000 00000000000042434346000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12B16 0B C0 0A 05 00 93 83 00 02 9B 8B 00 02 EF 20 0C 0B 03 03 96 87 00 01 EF 23 70 0A 11 02 47 FF 00 03 EF FF 91 27 9D 01 C7 FF 01 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 93 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 30, Y: 90). 83 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 30, Y: 80). 00 - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). 9B - Noggles #2 starting position (X: B0, Y: 90). 8B - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: B0, Y: 80). 00 - 02 - Noggles #2 direction (down). EF - 20 - 0C - 0B - 03 - 03 - 96 - Max #1 starting position (X: 60, Y: 90). 87 - Max #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 80). 00 - 01 - Max #1 direction (right). EF - 23 - 70 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 47 - Spiny #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 40). FF - Spiny #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 03 - Spiny #1 direction (left). EF - FF - 91 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 10, Y: 90). 27 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 20). 9D - Dream Bag #3 (X: D0, Y: 90). 01 - C7 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: C0). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #1 - No Base Rock position. 01 - Tile under ice cube #1 (01 - Land). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 5F - Garden Land C Level Data: 0x13EBD 00000000000000014400000000000000 00000000000001410144000000000000 00000000000741074107440000000000 00000000074107410741074400000000 00000007410741074107410744000000 00000042464246424642464246000000 00000101010101010101010101440000 00002C0101010101010101012C450000 00004201010101010101010141460000 00000042010101010101014146000000 00000000424343014143434600000000 00000000000000014500000000000000 00000000000501010105440000000000 00000000004243434343460000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12B40 0B C0 0A 05 00 75 72 00 01 79 7C 00 03 EF FF 16 07 18 01 C7 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 75 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: 70). 72 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 20, Y: 70). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). 79 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 90, Y: 70). 7C - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: 70). 00 - 03 - Noggles #2 direction (left). EF - FF - 16 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 60, Y: 10). 07 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 00). 18 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 80, Y: 10). 01 - C7 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: C0). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 60 - Fruit Land A Level Data: 0x15C36 00000000010101440101014400000000 00000000212121450707074500000000 00000000010101030101014500000000 00000000020202030202024500000000 00000003010101030101010344000000 00000301010101010301010103440000 00030101010101010103010101034400 2C010101010101010101030101010344 42030101010101010103010101034146 00420301010101010301210103414600 00004203010101030101010341460000 00000042030103410301034146000000 00000000420341464203414600000000 00000000004246000042460000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12B54 0B C0 0A 05 00 84 70 00 00 86 70 00 00 EF 23 40 0A 11 02 7D FF 00 02 7B FF 00 00 EF FF 05 09 A9 01 25 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 84 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 80). 70 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 00, Y: 70). 00 - 00 - Noggles #1 direction (up). 86 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 60, Y: 80). 70 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 00, Y: 70). 00 - 00 - Noggles #2 direction (up). EF - 23 - 40 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 7D - Spiny #1 starting position (X: D0, Y: 70). FF - Spiny #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Spiny #1 direction (down). 7B - Spiny #2 starting position (X: B0, Y: 70). FF - Spiny #2 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 00 - Spiny #2 direction (up). EF - FF - 05 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 50, Y: 00). 09 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 90, Y: 00). A9 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 90, Y: A0). 01 - 25 - Kickle starting position (X: 50, Y: 20). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 62 - Garden Land M Level Data: 0x13D10 000000000000002C4400000000000000 00000000000701010107440000000000 00000000004243434343460000000000 00000000044404440444044400000000 00000000424642464246424600000000 00000004440444044404440444000000 00000042464246424642464246000000 00002C0101010101010101012C440000 00004201010101010101010141460000 00000042010101010101014146000000 00000000420101010101414600000000 00000000004201010141460000000000 00000000000042014146000000000000 00000000000000424600000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12B76 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF 72 00 01 FF 7C 00 03 EF 20 08 0B 03 02 FF 07 00 01 EF FF 85 17 89 01 97 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. 72 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 20, Y: 70). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). FF - Noggles #2 - No starting position. 7C - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: 70). 00 - 03 - Noggles #2 direction (left). EF - 20 - 08 - 0B - 03 - 02 - FF - Max #1 - No starting position. 07 - Max #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 00). 00 - 01 - Max #1 direction (right). EF - FF - 85 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 50, Y: 80). 17 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 10). 89 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 90, Y: 80). 01 - 97 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 63 - Garden Land G Level Data: 0x13AE9 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000002440000000000 00000101440000020241460101440000 00014143014402020245014143014400 00014500010102020101014500014500 00074501010101010101010144074500 00420101010101010101010101414600 00000101012C0101012C010101450000 00000101010101010101010101450000 00000101010101010101010101450000 00004205010101410101010541460000 00000042010101010101014146000000 00000000424343434343434600000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12B94 0B C0 0A 05 00 64 75 00 02 6A 79 00 02 EF 18 08 0C 0B 02 37 79 00 02 EF FF 22 19 2C 01 97 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 64 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 60). 75 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 70). 00 - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). 6A - Noggles #2 starting position (X: A0, Y: 60). 79 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 90, Y: 70). 00 - 02 - Noggles #2 direction (down). EF - 18 - 08 - 0C - 0B - 02 - 37 - Rocky #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 30). 79 - Rocky #1 Base Rock position (X: 90, Y: 70). 00 - 02 - Rocky #1 direction (down). EF - FF - 22 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 20, Y: 20). 19 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 90, Y: 10). 2C - Dream Bag #3 (X: C0, Y: 20). 01 - 97 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 64 - Toy Land D Level Data: 0x13487 00000000000003030344000000000000 00000000000302020203440000000000 00000000000302020203450000000000 00000000000302020203450000000000 00000303032C0120012C030303440000 0003010A020202020202020E01034400 0301010A020202020202020E01010344 4203010A020202020202020E01034146 00420303030303020303030303414600 00004243430303080303414343460000 00000000000301010103450000000000 00000000004203010341460000000000 00000000000042034146000000000000 00000000000000424600000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12BB2 0B C0 0A 05 00 46 45 00 02 FF 45 00 02 FF 45 00 02 48 49 00 02 FF 49 00 02 FF 49 00 02 EF FF 64 87 6A 01 27 FF 02 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 46 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 60, Y: 40). 45 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 40). 00 - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). FF - Noggles #2 - No starting position. 45 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 40). 00 - 02 - Noggles #2 direction (down). FF - Noggles #3 - No starting position. 45 - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 40). 00 - 02 - Noggles #3 direction (down). 48 - Noggles #4 starting position (X: 80, Y: 40). 49 - Noggles #4 Base Rock position (X: 90, Y: 40). 00 - 02 - Noggles #4 direction (down). FF - Noggles #5 - No starting position. 49 - Noggles #5 Base Rock position (X: 90, Y: 40). 00 - 02 - Noggles #5 direction (down). FF - Noggles #6 - No starting position. 49 - Noggles #6 Base Rock position (X: 90, Y: 40). 00 - 02 - Noggles #6 direction (down). EF - FF - 64 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 40, Y: 60). 87 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 80). 6A - Dream Bag #3 (X: A0, Y: 60). 01 - 27 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 20). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #1 - No Base Rock position. 02 - Tile under ice cube #1 (02 - Slippery Ice). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 65 - Fruit Land N Level Data: 0x13A78 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000202020202020202020202440000 00000202020202020202020202450000 000042433333332C3333334143460000 00003107010101010101010730440000 00310101010101010101010101304400 00310101010101010101010101304500 00310101010201010102010101304500 00310202020302020203020202304500 00423101010201010102010130414600 00004231010101010101013041460000 000000423232322C3232324146000000 00000000424343434343434600000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12BD8 0B C0 0A 05 00 A5 B7 00 03 A7 B7 00 00 A9 B7 00 01 FF B7 00 03 FF B7 00 01 FF B7 00 03 EF 2B 08 12 11 02 17 37 00 02 EF FF 63 27 6B 01 57 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - A5 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: A0). B7 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: B0). 00 - 03 - Noggles #1 direction (left). A7 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 70, Y: A0). B7 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: B0). 00 - 00 - Noggles #2 direction (up). A9 - Noggles #3 starting position (X: 90, Y: A0). B7 - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: B0). 00 - 01 - Noggles #3 direction (right). FF - Noggles #4 - No starting position. B7 - Noggles #4 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: B0). 00 - 03 - Noggles #4 direction (left). FF - Noggles #5 - No starting position. B7 - Noggles #5 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: B0). 00 - 01 - Noggles #5 direction (right). FF - Noggles #6 - No starting position. B7 - Noggles #6 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: B0). 00 - 03 - Noggles #6 direction (left). EF - 2B - 08 - 12 - 11 - 02 - 17 - Equalizer #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 10). 37 - Equalizer #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 30). 00 - 02 - Equalizer #1 direction (down). EF - FF - 63 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 30, Y: 60). 27 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 20). 6B - Dream Bag #3 (X: B0, Y: 60). 01 - 57 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 50). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 66 - Fruit Land J Level Data: 0x15E54 00000000000002020244000000000000 00000244020210131502024402440000 000202450202111E1602024502024400 004202450202121A1702024502414600 00004246420302020203414642460000 00000000030301010103034400000000 00000003010101010101010344000000 00002C0101010101010101012C440000 00004203010101010101010341460000 00000042030101010101034146000000 00000000420301010103414600000000 00000000004203010341460000000000 00000000000042034146000000000000 00000000000000424600000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12C06 0B C0 0A 05 00 75 72 00 01 79 7C 00 03 EF 2B 08 12 11 02 2D FF 00 03 EF FF 22 67 2C 01 97 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 75 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: 70). 72 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 20, Y: 70). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). 79 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 90, Y: 70). 7C - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: 70). 00 - 03 - Noggles #2 direction (left). EF - 2B - 08 - 12 - 11 - 02 - 2D - Equalizer #1 starting position (X: D0, Y: 20). FF - Equalizer #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 03 - Equalizer #1 direction (left). EF - FF - 22 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 20, Y: 20). 67 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 60). 2C - Dream Bag #3 (X: C0, Y: 20). 01 - 97 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 67 - Special Game 28 Level Data: 0x17810 10131510131510131510131510131544 1B1F16111D191B1F16111D191B1F1645 12141712141712141712141712141745 042C04040404040404040404042C0445 01010101010101010101010101010145 02020202020202020202020202020245 02020202020202020202020202020245 02020202020202020202020202020245 02020202020202020202020202020245 02020202020202020202020202020245 02040404040404040404040404040445 02024143024143024143024143020245 04040404040404040404040404040445 42434343434343434343434343434346 Enemy Data: 0x12C24 0B C0 0A 05 00 45 31 00 01 42 31 00 01 49 3D 00 03 4C 3D 00 03 EF 1A 08 0F 03 02 71 31 00 01 7D 3D 00 03 EF FF B1 B7 BD 01 57 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 45 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: 40). 31 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 10, Y: 30). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). 42 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 20, Y: 40). 31 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 10, Y: 30). 00 - 01 - Noggles #2 direction (right). 49 - Noggles #3 starting position (X: 90, Y: 40). 3D - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: 30). 00 - 03 - Noggles #3 direction (left). 4C - Noggles #4 starting position (X: C0, Y: 40). 3D - Noggles #4 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: 30). 00 - 03 - Noggles #4 direction (left). EF - 1A - 08 - 0F - 03 - 02 - 71 - Rooker #1 starting position (X: 10, Y: 70). 31 - Rooker #1 Base Rock position (X: 10, Y: 30). 00 - 01 - Rooker #1 direction (right). 7D - Rooker #2 starting position (X: D0, Y: 70). 3D - Rooker #2 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: 30). 00 - 03 - Rooker #2 direction (left). EF - FF - B1 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 10, Y: B0). B7 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: B0). BD - Dream Bag #3 (X: D0, Y: B0). 01 - 57 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 50). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 68 - Toy Land M Level Data: 0x17939 03333333333333333333333333330344 31020202020202020202020202023045 31020202020202020202020202023045 31020202020202020202010202023045 310202022C02020202022C0202023045 31020202020202020202020702023045 31020202070202020202020202023045 31020207020202410202020202023045 31020202020241024102020202023045 31020202020202410202020202023045 31020202020202020202020202023045 31020202020202020202020202023045 03323232323232323232323232320345 42434343434343434343434343434346 Enemy Data: 0x12C4E 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF 4A 00 01 EF 27 C8 10 01 02 A2 44 00 00 AC 44 00 00 EF FF 94 87 9A 01 57 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. 4A - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: A0, Y: 40). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). EF - 27 - C8 - 10 - 01 - 02 - A2 - Shades #1 starting position (X: 20, Y: A0). 44 - Shades #1 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: 40). 00 - 00 - Shades #1 direction (up). AC - Shades #2 starting position (X: C0, Y: A0). 44 - Shades #2 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: 40). 00 - 00 - Shades #2 direction (up). EF - FF - 94 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 40, Y: 90). 87 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 80). 9A - Dream Bag #3 (X: A0, Y: 90). 01 - 57 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 50). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 69 - Special Game 16 Level Data: 0x13311 03333333333333333333333333330344 31040404040404040404040404043045 31020202410241024102410202023045 31020404040404040404040404023045 31020402020202020202020202023045 31020402101315021013150202023045 2C020402111D1902111D19022C022C45 31020402121417021214170201023045 31020402020202020202020202023045 31020404040404040404040404043045 31020202410241024102410202023045 31040404040404040404040404043045 03323232323232323232323232320345 42434343434343434343434343434346 Enemy Data: 0x12C6C 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF 6C 00 01 EF 2B 48 12 11 02 FF 60 00 02 FF 6E 00 02 EF FF A1 27 AD 01 67 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. 6C - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: 60). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). EF - 2B - 48 - 12 - 11 - 02 - FF - Equalizer #1 - No starting position. 60 - Equalizer #1 Base Rock position (X: 00, Y: 60). 00 - 02 - Equalizer #1 direction (down). FF - Equalizer #2 - No starting position. 6E - Equalizer #2 Base Rock position (X: E0, Y: 60). 00 - 02 - Equalizer #2 direction (down). EF - FF - A1 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 10, Y: A0). 27 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 20). AD - Dream Bag #3 (X: D0, Y: A0). 01 - 67 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 60). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 6A - Special Game 30 Level Data: 0x1433E 10131504041013150404040410131544 111D190204111D1902020404111E1645 121417040412141704020404121A1745 04020404040204040402040404040445 04020202020204040402040404040445 31040404020404101315020202020445 04040404020404111E16040404020445 04040410131504121A17040410131545 040404111D190420020404041B1F1645 04040412141704020204040412141745 10181504020404040410131504020445 111C160402020220021B1F1602040445 12141704040404040412141704040445 42434343434343434343434343434346 Enemy Data: 0x12C8A 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF FF FF 01 EF FF 13 AD BC 01 97 FF 04 FF 02 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. FF - Noggles #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). EF - FF - 13 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 30, Y: 10). AD - Dream Bag #2 (X: D0, Y: A0). BC - Dream Bag #3 (X: C0, Y: B0). 01 - 97 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #1 - No Base Rock position. 04 - Tile under ice cube #1 (04 - Water Hole). FF - Ice cube/Noggles #2 - No Base Rock position. 02 - Tile under ice cube #2 (02 - Slippery Ice). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 6B - Cake Land B Level Data: 0x153F8 00000002440244024402440244000000 00000002450245024502450202440000 00020204040404040404040402024400 00020204010101010101010402024500 00020204010101010101010402024500 00020204010104040401010402024500 00020204010101010101010402024500 00020204010101010101010402024500 00020204040404040404040402024500 0002022C012C012C012C012C02024500 00420202020202020202020202414600 00004202020202020202020241460000 00000042020202020202024146000000 00000000424343434343434600000000 Enemy Data: 0x12C9E 0B C0 0A 05 00 94 95 FF 01 96 95 FF 01 98 99 FF 01 9A 99 FF 01 EF 23 38 0A 11 02 44 FF FF 02 4A FF FF 00 EF 23 28 0A 11 02 47 FF FF 01 EF 23 68 0A 11 02 C7 FF FF 03 EF FF 13 15 17 01 B7 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 94 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 90). 95 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 90). FF - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). 96 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 60, Y: 90). 95 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 50, Y: 90). FF - 01 - Noggles #2 direction (right). 98 - Noggles #3 starting position (X: 80, Y: 90). 99 - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: 90, Y: 90). FF - 01 - Noggles #3 direction (right). 9A - Noggles #4 starting position (X: A0, Y: 90). 99 - Noggles #4 Base Rock position (X: 90, Y: 90). FF - 01 - Noggles #4 direction (right). EF - 23 - 38 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 44 - Spiny #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 40). FF - Spiny #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 02 - Spiny #1 direction (down). 4A - Spiny #2 starting position (X: A0, Y: 40). FF - Spiny #2 - No Base Rock position. FF - 00 - Spiny #2 direction (up). EF - 23 - 28 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 47 - Spiny #3 starting position (X: 70, Y: 40). FF - Spiny #3 - No Base Rock position. FF - 01 - Spiny #3 direction (right). EF - 23 - 68 - 0A - 11 - 02 - C7 - Spiny #4 starting position (X: 70, Y: C0). FF - Spiny #4 - No Base Rock position. FF - 03 - Spiny #4 direction (left). EF - FF - 13 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 30, Y: 10). 15 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 50, Y: 10). 17 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 70, Y: 10). 01 - B7 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: B0). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 6D - Special Game 13 Level Data: 0x1357A 10131502020202020202020210131544 111D190202020202020202021B1F1645 12141702020202020202020212141745 02020202020202020202020202020245 02020202034143434343030202020245 02020202030202020202030202020245 010101012C02020202022C0101010145 02020202030202020202030202020245 02020202030303030303030202020245 02020202020202070202020202020245 10131502020202070202020210131545 111D190202020207020202021B1F1645 12141702020202070202020212141745 42434343434343434343434343434346 Enemy Data: 0x12CDC 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF 64 00 01 FF 6A 00 00 EF 46 88 4F 0A 02 56 FF 00 01 76 FF 00 03 58 FF 00 01 78 FF 00 03 EF FF 15 67 19 01 27 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. 64 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: 60). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). FF - Noggles #2 - No starting position. 6A - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: A0, Y: 60). 00 - 00 - Noggles #2 direction (up). EF - 46 - 88 - 4F - 0A - 02 - 56 - Gale #1 starting position (X: 60, Y: 50). FF - Gale #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Gale #1 direction (right). 76 - Gale #2 starting position (X: 60, Y: 70). FF - Gale #2 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 03 - Gale #2 direction (left). 58 - Gale #3 starting position (X: 80, Y: 50). FF - Gale #3 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Gale #3 direction (right). 78 - Gale #4 starting position (X: 80, Y: 70). FF - Gale #4 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 03 - Gale #4 direction (left). EF - FF - 15 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 50, Y: 10). 67 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 60). 19 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 90, Y: 10). 01 - 27 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 20). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 6E - Garden Land F Level Data: 0x179FC 00000000000000034400000000000000 00000000000001010144000000000000 00000000000101010101440000000000 00000000010101010101014400000000 00000001010101010101010144000000 00000101010101010101010101440000 00010101010101010101010101014400 002C41044104410441044104412C4500 00424642464246014542464246424600 00000000000000014500000000000000 00000000000000014500000000000000 00000000000144014500000000000000 00000000004201414600000000000000 00000000000042460000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12D06 0B C0 0A 05 00 54 71 00 01 5A 7D 00 03 EF 20 08 0B 03 02 97 7D 00 00 EF FF B5 C6 B7 01 37 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 54 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 50). 71 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 10, Y: 70). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). 5A - Noggles #2 starting position (X: A0, Y: 50). 7D - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: 70). 00 - 03 - Noggles #2 direction (left). EF - 20 - 08 - 0B - 03 - 02 - 97 - Max #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). 7D - Max #1 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: 70). 00 - 00 - Max #1 direction (up). EF - FF - B5 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 50, Y: B0). C6 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 60, Y: C0). B7 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 70, Y: B0). 01 - 37 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 30). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 71 - Toy Land O Level Data: 0x13CA3 02020202020202020202020202020244 02020202020202020202020202020245 020204040404042C0404040404020245 02024110131510131510131504020245 020245111D19111D19111E1604020245 020245121417121417121A1704020245 020204040404042C0404040404020245 02020202020202020202020202020245 02020202070202020202020202020245 020202020202022C0102020202020245 02020202020202020202020202020245 02020202020202020202020202020245 02020202020232020232020202020245 42434343434343434343434343434346 Enemy Data: 0x12D24 1E 08 0D 11 02 71 67 00 01 7D 27 00 03 EF 0B C0 0A 05 00 98 97 00 02 FF 97 00 03 EF FF 34 37 3A 01 77 1E - 08 - 0D - 11 - 02 - 71 - Sparky #1 starting position (X: 10, Y: 70). 67 - Sparky #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 60). 00 - 01 - Sparky #1 direction (right). 7D - Sparky #2 starting position (X: D0, Y: 70). 27 - Sparky #2 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 20). 00 - 03 - Sparky #2 direction (left). EF - 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 98 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 80, Y: 90). 97 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 90). 00 - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). FF - Noggles #2 - No starting position. 97 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 90). 00 - 03 - Noggles #2 direction (left). EF - FF - 34 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 40, Y: 30). 37 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 30). 3A - Dream Bag #3 (X: A0, Y: 30). 01 - 77 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 70). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 72 - Toy Land C Level Data: 0x17B0B 00000000000000000000000000000000 02020202020202020202020202020244 02414343434343434343434307414346 02020202020202020202020202020244 42434343434343074143434343430245 02020202020202020202020202020245 02410741434343434343434343434346 02020202020202020202020202020244 42434343434343074143434343430245 02020202020202020202020202020245 02414343434343434343434307414346 02020202020202020202020202020244 42434343434343434343434343434346 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12D46 46 88 4F 0A 02 17 FF FF 02 37 FF FF 02 57 FF FF 02 77 FF FF 02 97 FF FF 02 EF FF 60 1E 8E 01 B7 46 - 88 - 4F - 0A - 02 - 17 - Gale #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 10). FF - Gale #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 02 - Gale #1 direction (down). 37 - Gale #2 starting position (X: 70, Y: 30). FF - Gale #2 - No Base Rock position. FF - 02 - Gale #2 direction (down). 57 - Gale #3 starting position (X: 70, Y: 50). FF - Gale #3 - No Base Rock position. FF - 02 - Gale #3 direction (down). 77 - Gale #4 starting position (X: 70, Y: 70). FF - Gale #4 - No Base Rock position. FF - 02 - Gale #4 direction (down). 97 - Gale #5 starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). FF - Gale #5 - No Base Rock position. FF - 02 - Gale #5 direction (down). EF - FF - 60 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 00, Y: 60). 1E - Dream Bag #2 (X: E0, Y: 10). 8E - Dream Bag #3 (X: E0, Y: 80). 01 - B7 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: B0). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 73 - Fruit Land E Level Data: 0x1799B 00000000333333013333334400000000 00000000424343014143434600000000 00000000000404040404440000000000 00000000010101010101014400000000 00000001010101010101010144000000 00000501010201010102010105440000 00004201010101010101010141460000 00000042010101010101014146000000 00000002020202020202020244000000 00000202020202020202020202440000 00000101010101010101010101450000 00002C0404040404040404042C450000 00004232323232323232323241460000 00000042434343434343434346000000 Enemy Data: 0x12D66 0B C0 0A 05 00 A3 B2 00 01 A5 B2 00 01 A9 BC 00 03 AB BC 00 03 EF 18 C8 0C 0B 02 97 BC 00 00 EF FF 55 07 59 01 67 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - A3 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 30, Y: A0). B2 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 20, Y: B0). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). A5 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 50, Y: A0). B2 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 20, Y: B0). 00 - 01 - Noggles #2 direction (right). A9 - Noggles #3 starting position (X: 90, Y: A0). BC - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: B0). 00 - 03 - Noggles #3 direction (left). AB - Noggles #4 starting position (X: B0, Y: A0). BC - Noggles #4 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: B0). 00 - 03 - Noggles #4 direction (left). EF - 18 - C8 - 0C - 0B - 02 - 97 - Rocky #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). BC - Rocky #1 Base Rock position (X: C0, Y: B0). 00 - 00 - Rocky #1 direction (up). EF - FF - 55 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 50, Y: 50). 07 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 00). 59 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 90, Y: 50). 01 - 67 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 60). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 74 - Special Game 02 Level Data: 0x1340C 00000000333333013333334400000000 00000000424343014143434600000000 00000000000404040404440000000000 00000000010101010101014400000000 00000001010101010101010144000000 00000501010201010102010105440000 00004201010101010101010141460000 00000042010101010101014146000000 00000002020202020202020244000000 00000202020202020202020202440000 00000101010101010101010101450000 00002C0404040404040404042C450000 00004232323232323232323241460000 00000042434343434343434346000000 Enemy Data: 0x12D8C 0D 08 0E 0D 02 6A 17 FF 03 EF 46 0C 4F 0A 03 97 FF FF 01 EF 0B C0 0A 05 00 35 17 00 02 37 17 00 02 39 17 00 02 EF FF 91 A7 9D 01 64 0D - 08 - 0E - 0D - 02 - 6A - Mr. Hoople #1 starting position (X: A0, Y: 60). 17 - Mr. Hoople #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 10). FF - 03 - Mr. Hoople #1 direction (left). EF - 46 - 0C - 4F - 0A - 03 - 97 - Gale #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). FF - Gale #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 01 - Gale #1 direction (right). EF - 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 35 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: 30). 17 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 10). 00 - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). 37 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 70, Y: 30). 17 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 10). 00 - 02 - Noggles #2 direction (down). 39 - Noggles #3 starting position (X: 90, Y: 30). 17 - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 10). 00 - 02 - Noggles #3 direction (down). EF - FF - 91 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 10, Y: 90). A7 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: A0). 9D - Dream Bag #3 (X: D0, Y: 90). 01 - 64 - Kickle starting position (X: 40, Y: 60). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 75 - Special Game 26 Level Data: 0x1454E 101315440000002C4400000010131544 111E164502440301034402441B1F1645 121A1702020202010202020212141745 42020404040404040404040404024146 00020404020202020202020404024500 00020404020202020202020404024500 00020404414343434343430404024500 00020404020202020202020404024500 00020404020202020202020404024500 00020404040404020404040404024500 10131504020202020202020210181544 111D19414343020202414343111C1645 12141745000042024146000012141745 42434346000000424600000042434346 Enemy Data: 0x12DB8 0B C0 0A 05 00 27 07 00 00 FF 07 00 00 EF 46 C8 4F 0A 02 47 FF 00 01 EF FF 55 57 59 01 6D 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 27 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 20). 07 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 00). 00 - 00 - Noggles #1 direction (up). FF - Noggles #2 - No starting position. 07 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 00). 00 - 00 - Noggles #2 direction (up). EF - 46 - C8 - 4F - 0A - 02 - 47 - Gale #1 starting position (X: 70, Y: 40). FF - Gale #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Gale #1 direction (right). EF - FF - 55 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 50, Y: 50). 57 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 50). 59 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 90, Y: 50). 01 - 6D - Kickle starting position (X: D0, Y: 60). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 77 - Garden Land Q Level Data: 0x15B23 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000003010101010101010344000000 00000303414343434343430303440000 00030303450000000000000303034400 0001414301012C032C01014143014500 00014500014143434343014500014500 00014500014500000000014500014500 00014500014500000000014500014500 00014500010101010101014500014500 00030303414343434343430303034500 00420303450000000000000303414600 00004203010101250101010341460000 00000042434343434343434346000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12DD6 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF 46 00 02 FF 48 00 02 EF 20 08 0B 03 02 81 FF 00 00 14 FF 00 01 BA FF 00 03 4D FF 00 02 EF FF 61 17 6D 01 87 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. 46 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 60, Y: 40). 00 - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (right). FF - Noggles #2 - No starting position. 48 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 80, Y: 40). 00 - 02 - Noggles #2 direction (right). EF - 20 - 08 - 0B - 03 - 02 - 81 - Max #1 starting position (X: 10, Y: 80). FF - Max #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 00 - Max #1 direction (up). 14 - Max #2 starting position (X: 40, Y: 10). FF - Max #2 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 01 - Max #2 direction (right). BA - Max #3 starting position (X: A0, Y: B0). FF - Max #3 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 03 - Max #3 direction (left). 4D - Max #4 starting position (X: D0, Y: 40). FF - Max #4 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 02 - Max #4 direction (down). EF - FF - 61 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 10, Y: 60). 17 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 10). 6D - Dream Bag #3 (X: D0, Y: 60). 01 - 87 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 80). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 7A - Garden Land K Level Data: 0x13BC8 00000000000007070744000000000000 00000000000741434307440000000000 000000002C41014401412C4400000000 00000000014542464246014500000000 00000000014500000000014500000000 01010144010101010101014501010144 422C01014143434343434301012C4146 00420101010101010101010101414600 00004201010101010101010141460000 00000042010101010101014146000000 00000000420101010101414600000000 00000000004201010141460000000000 00000000000042054146000000000000 00000000000000424600000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12E00 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF 61 00 01 FF 24 00 01 FF 2A 00 01 FF 6D 00 01 EF FF 26 87 28 01 57 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. 61 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 10, Y: 60). 00 - 01 - Noggles #1 direction (right). FF - Noggles #2 - No starting position. 24 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 40, Y: 20). 00 - 01 - Noggles #2 direction (right). FF - Noggles #3 - No starting position. 2A - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: A0, Y: 20). 00 - 01 - Noggles #3 direction (right). FF - Noggles #4 - No starting position. 6D - Noggles #4 Base Rock position (X: D0, Y: 60). 00 - 01 - Noggles #4 direction (right). EF - FF - 26 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 60, Y: 20). 87 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 80). 28 - Dream Bag #3 (X: 80, Y: 20). 01 - 57 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 50). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 7B - Special Game 27 Level Data: 0x144A2 00000244000000034400000002440000 00101315440003030344001013154400 00111E1645012C012C01441B1F164500 00121A17040401040104041214174500 00420204040404040404040402414600 00000202024102410241020202450000 00000204040404040404040404450000 00020202030404040404030202024400 02020207020202010202020207020244 420202020202032C0302020202024146 00420202024103030341020202414600 00004202414642034146420241460000 00000002450000034500000245000000 00000042460000424600004246000000 Enemy Data: 0x12E1C 20 08 0B 03 03 25 FF FF 02 27 FF FF 02 29 FF FF 02 EF 23 10 0A 11 02 58 FF FF 01 EF 0B C0 0A 05 00 36 26 00 02 87 97 00 00 38 28 00 02 EF FF 02 89 0C 01 85 20 - 08 - 0B - 03 - 03 - 25 - Max #1 starting position (X: 50, Y: 20). FF - Max #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 02 - Max #1 direction (down). 27 - Max #2 starting position (X: 70, Y: 20). FF - Max #2 - No Base Rock position. FF - 02 - Max #2 direction (down). 29 - Max #3 starting position (X: 90, Y: 20). FF - Max #3 - No Base Rock position. FF - 02 - Max #3 direction (down). EF - 23 - 10 - 0A - 11 - 02 - 58 - Spiny #1 starting position (X: 80, Y: 50). FF - Spiny #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 01 - Spiny #1 direction (right). EF - 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - 36 - Noggles #1 starting position (X: 60, Y: 30). 26 - Noggles #1 Base Rock position (X: 60, Y: 20). 00 - 02 - Noggles #1 direction (down). 87 - Noggles #2 starting position (X: 70, Y: 80). 97 - Noggles #2 Base Rock position (X: 70, Y: 90). 00 - 00 - Noggles #2 direction (up). 38 - Noggles #3 starting position (X: 80, Y: 30). 28 - Noggles #3 Base Rock position (X: 80, Y: 20). 00 - 02 - Noggles #3 direction (down). EF - FF - 02 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 20, Y: 00). 89 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 90, Y: 80). 0C - Dream Bag #3 (X: C0, Y: 00). 01 - 85 - Kickle starting position (X: 50, Y: 80). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 7C - Toy Land A Level Data: 0x17A58 00000000000000074400000000000000 00000000000001010144000000000000 00000000000101010101440000000000 00000000070101010101074400000000 00000001010101010101010144000000 00000101010101010101010101440000 00070101010101070101010101074400 00420101010101010101010101414600 00004201010101010101010141460000 00000042070101010101074146000000 00000000420101010101414600000000 00000000004201010141460000000000 00000000000042074146000000000000 00000000000000424600000000000000 Enemy Data: 0x12E50 0B C0 0A 05 00 FF FF 00 10 EF 46 88 4F 0A 02 44 FF FF 01 84 FF FF 03 17 FF FF 01 57 FF FF 03 77 FF FF 01 4A FF FF 01 8A FF FF 03 EF FF 64 37 6A 01 97 0B - C0 - 0A - 05 - 00 - FF - Noggles #1 - No starting position. FF - Noggles #1 - No Base Rock position. 00 - 10 - Noggles #1 direction (would be up). EF - 46 - 88 - 4F - 0A - 02 - 44 - Gale #1 starting position (X: 40, Y: 40). FF - Gale #1 - No Base Rock position. FF - 01 - Gale #1 direction (right). 84 - Gale #2 starting position (X: 40, Y: 80). FF - Gale #2 - No Base Rock position. FF - 03 - Gale #2 direction (left). 17 - Gale #3 starting position (X: 70, Y: 10). FF - Gale #3 - No Base Rock position. FF - 01 - Gale #3 direction (right). 57 - Gale #4 starting position (X: 70, Y: 50). FF - Gale #4 - No Base Rock position. FF - 03 - Gale #4 direction (left). 77 - Gale #5 starting position (X: 70, Y: 70). FF - Gale #5 - No Base Rock position. FF - 01 - Gale #5 direction (right). 4A - Gale #6 starting position (X: A0, Y: 40). FF - Gale #6 - No Base Rock position. FF - 01 - Gale #6 direction (right). 8A - Gale #7 starting position (X: A0, Y: 80). FF - Gale #7 - No Base Rock position. FF - 03 - Gale #7 direction (left). EF - FF - 64 - Dream Bag #1 (X: 40, Y: 60). 37 - Dream Bag #2 (X: 70, Y: 30). 6A - Dream Bag #3 (X: A0, Y: 60). 01 - 97 - Kickle starting position (X: 70, Y: 90). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------